山崎 浩史教授 / 博士(薬学)last update : 2024.10.16
- 研究者名
- 山崎 浩史(ヤマザキ ヒロシ)
- 所属
- 薬物動態学研究室
- 担当科目
- 薬物動態、個別化治療、医薬品相互作用
- 職位
- 教授
- 学位
- 博士(薬学)
1985年3月 薬学修士(岐阜薬科大学)、1992年2月 博士(薬学)(大阪大学)環境発癌性物質の代謝的活性化におけるチトクロームP-450酵素の役割に関する研究
- 第1種放射線取扱主任者
- 薬剤師
平成12年度 日本薬学会奨励賞、平成17年度 日本薬物動態学会奨励賞、平成20年度 日本薬物動態学会JSSX Felllow、平成26年度 日本薬物動態学会学会賞、2023年 国際薬物動態学会学会賞(アジアパシフィック地域)
日本薬物動態学会代議員(評議員)(2000年~)、Felllow (2008~)、理事(2010-20, 2022-25)、DMPK編集委員長(2014-17)、副会長(2016-17)、会長(2017-19)、年会長(2019-20)、日本薬学会代議員(2008~)、日本臨床薬理学会社員(評議員)(2008~)、International Society of Study of Xenobiotics, Membership Committee member (2008-10), Nomination Committee member (2010, 2016-19), Council member (2011-14、2023-26), Scientific Affairs Committee member (2020-2023).
- 医療薬学 V.薬物治療に役立つ情報 補訂版、第III部 個別化医療 山崎浩史 第10章 遺伝的素因 216-227 東京化学同人 2021
- 薬物動態学UPDATE 医学のあゆみ 山崎浩史 ヒト肝細胞移植キメラマウスを用いた薬物代謝・動態研究 264, 615-618 医歯薬出版 2018
- 「最新薬剤学 第11版」 山崎浩史 3-3 薬物の代謝 224-232. 廣川書店 2018
- マーモセットラボマニュアル はじめての取扱いから研究最前線まで 山崎浩史 マーモセットの薬物代謝、 156-159 アドスリー 2018
- 「医療薬物代謝学第二版」 山崎浩史、小澤正吾 編著 医学評論社 2018
- 製剤学 改訂第7版 山崎浩史 6-3 薬物の代謝 309-324 南江堂 2017
- 医療薬学 V.薬物治療に役立つ情報、第III部 個別化医療 山崎浩史 第10章 遺伝的素因 213-223 東京化学同人 2017
- Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry III: ADME and Toxicology Yamazaki, H. Drug Metabolizing Enzyme Systems I 45-50 Elsevier 2017 9780128032008
- 演習と解説 薬物動態学 山崎浩史、夏目秀視、橋爪孝典 編著 山崎浩史 第6章 TDM (Therapeutic Drug Monitoring)と投与設計 廣川書店 2016
- 月刊薬事2016年1月臨時増刊号「臨床の疑問に答える がん薬物療法アップデート」 清水万紀子、山崎浩史 抗がん薬と薬物代謝酵素 398-407 じほう 2016
- Advances in Medicine and Biology, Vol. 93 Yamazaki, H., Chowdhury, G. and Guengerich, F.P. Activation of Thalidomide to Reactive Metabolites by Autoinduced Human Cytochrome P450 3A Enzymes, with Substrate Cooperativity, and Implications for Development of Analogs. 23-30 Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2016
- 「第5版 衛生化学 -環境と健康-」 山崎浩史 9.1.4.異物代謝の機構 355-362 丸善 2015
- 「生物薬剤学 改訂第3版」 山崎浩史 薬物代謝反応の過程、薬物代謝反応部位と薬物代謝酵素 95-106 南江堂 2015
- Fifty Years of Cytochrome P450 Research, ed. Hiroshi Yamazaki Chapter 17 Species,Ethnic,and Individual Differences in Human Drug-Metabolizing Cytochrome P450 Enzymes 293-305 Springer 2014
- 「薬物動態学第二版」 山崎浩史 第4章「代謝」 81-105 廣川書店 2014
- Original article, Impact of variability of in silico and in vitro octanol/water partition coefficients of compounds on the input parameters and results of simplified human physiologically based pharmacokinetic models after virtual oral administrations. Adachi K, Sasaki T, Arai A, Shimizu M, Yamazaki H. J Toxcol Sci 49 459-466 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Effects of tyrosine kinase inhibitors used for the treatment of non-small cell lung carcinoma on cytochrome P450 2J2 activities. Kojima, A., Nadai, M., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., and Katoh, M. Xenobiotica in press 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Interaction of a caffeine overdose with clinical doses of contraceptive ethinyl estradiol in a young woman. Adachi, K., Murata, M., Inada, A., Morimoto, T., Shimizu, M., Bepp, S., and Yamazaki, H. Acute Med Surg 11 e985 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Investigation of functional cytochrome P450 4A enzymes in liver and kidney of pigs, cats, tree shrews, and dogs in comparison with the metabolic capacity of human P450 4A11. Uno, Y., Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., Ishizuka, M., Mizukawa, H., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Dispos. 52 1009-1019 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Quinuclidine N-oxygenation mediated by flavin-containing monooxygenase (FMO) 1 and FMO3 in kidney and liver microsomes from humans, monkeys, dogs, and pigs Shimizu, M., Makiguchi, M., Uno, Y. and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Dispos 52 906-910 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Modeled hepatic/plasma exposures of omeprazole prescribed alone in cytochrome P450 2C19 poor metabolizers are likely associated with hepatic toxicity reported in a Japanese adverse event database. Adachi, K., Ohyama, K., Tanaka, Y., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Saito, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Biol Pharm Bull 47 1028-1032 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, In vivo and in vitro induction of cytochrome P450 3A4 by thalidomide in humanized-liver mice and experimental human hepatocyte HepaSH cells. Uehara, S., Murayama, N., Higuchi, Y., Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., Guengerich, F. P., and Yamazaki, H. Chem Res Toxicol 37 671-674 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Octanol/Water Partition Coefficients Estimated Using Retention Times in Reverse-phase Liquid Chromatography and Calculated in Silico as One of the Determinant Factors for Pharmacokinetic Parameter Estimations of General Chemical Substances. Adachi, K., Shimizu, M., Shono, F., Funatsu, K., and Yamazaki, H. J Toxicol Sci 49 127-137 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Time-to-onset Analysis of Rhabdomyolysis due to Different Proton Pump Inhibitors Using a Pharmacovigilance Database. Ohyama, K., Iida, M., Akiyama, S., Yamazaki, H., and Hori, Y. In Vivo 38 1285-1291 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Modeled hepatic/plasma exposures of fluvastatin prescribed alone in subjects with impaired cytochrome P450 2C9*3 as one of possible determinant factors likely associated with hepatic toxicity reported in a Japanese adverse event database. Adachi K, Ohyama K, Tanaka Y, Saito Y, Shimizu M, Yamazaki H. Biol Pharm Bull 47 635-640 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Transcript abundance of hepatic drug-metabolizing enzymes in two dog breeds compared with 14 species including humans. Uno, Y., Yamato, O., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 55 101002 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Novel tree shrew cytochrome P450 2Ds (CYP2D8a and CYP2D8b) are functional drug-metabolizing enzymes that metabolize bufuralol and dextromethorphan. Ushirozako, G., Murayama, N., Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., Yamazaki, H., and Uno, Y. Drug Metab Dispos 52 305-311 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Identification of cytochrome P450 2C18 and 2C76 in tree shrews: P450 2C18 effectively oxidizes typical human P450 2C9/2C19 chiral substrates warfarin and omeprazole with less stereoselectivity. Uno, Y., Minami, Y., Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem Pharmacol 221 115990 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Novel cytochrome P450 2C119 enzymes in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques metabolize progesterone, diclofenac, and omeprazole. Uno, Y., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Dispos 52 226-273 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Rare but impaired flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) variants reported in a recently updated Japanese mega-databank of genome resources Shimizu, M., Makiguchi, M., Hishinuma, E., Saito, S., Hiratsuka, M., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 55 100539 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Molecular and functional characterization of flavin-containing monooxygenases (FMO1–6) in tree shrews. Uno, Y., Makiguchi, M., Ushirozako, G., Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, 227 109835 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Pharmacokinetic Models Scaled-up from Humanized-liver Mouse Data Can Account for Drug Monitoring Results of Atomoxetine and Its 4-Hydroxylated and N-Demethylated Metabolites in Pediatric Patients Genotyped for Cytochrome P450 2D6. Shimizu, M., Uehara, S., Ohyama, K., Nishimura, H., Tanaka, Y., Saito, Y., Suemizu, H., Yoshida, S., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Dispos 52 35-43 2024 関連リンク
- Original article, Chronic Toxoplasma infection affects gene expression of drug-metabolizing enzymes in mouse liver. Uno, Y., Uehara, S., Ushirozako, G., Masatani, T., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 53 581-5860 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Tree shrew cytochrome P450 2E1 is a functional enzyme that metabolises chlorzoxazone and p-nitrophenol. Ushirozako, G., Murayama, N., Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., Yamazaki, H., and Uno, Y. Xenobiotica 53 573-580 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, SGX523 causes renal toxicity through aldehyde oxidase-mediated less-soluble metabolite formation in chimeric mice with humanized livers. Uehara, S., Yasuda, M., Higuchi, Y., Yoneda, N., Kawai, K., Suzuki, M., Yamazaki, H., and Suemizu, H. Toxicol Lett 388 48-55 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Cytochrome P450 1A2 and 2C Enzymes Autoinduced by Omeprazole in Dog Hepatocytes and Human HepaRG and HepaSH Cells Are Involved in Omeprazole 5-Hydroxylation and Sulfoxidation. Uno, Y., Uehara, S., Ushirozako, G., Murayama, N., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 53 465-473 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Oxidation of Naringenin, Apigenin, and Genistein by Human Family 1 Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Comparison of Interaction of Apigenin with Human P450 1B1.1 and Scutellaria P450 82D.1. Nagayoshi H, Murayama N, Kim V, Kim D, Takenaka S, Yamazaki H, Guengerich FP, Shimada T. Chem Res Toxicol 36 1778–1788 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Synovial fluid and plasma concentrations of tedizolid in patients with osteoarthritis infected with Staphylococcus aureus effectively determined with fluorescence detection. Negishi D, Mitsumatsu O, Mitsumatsu H, Makiguchi M, Shimizu M, and Yamazaki H. J Pharm Health Care Sci 9 33 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Simple confirmation methods for rare but impaired variants of human flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) found in an updated genome resource databank. Shimizu M, Makiguchi M, Yokota Y, Shimamura E, Matsuta M, Nakamura Y, Harano, M, and Yamazaki H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 53 100528 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, The influence of temperature on the metabolic activity of CYP2C9, CYP2C19, and CYP3A4 genetic variants in vitro Kojima M, Machida K, Cho S, Watanabe D, Seki H, Shimoji M, Imaoka A, Yamazaki H, Guengerich FP, Nakamura K, Yamamoto K, Akiyoshi T, and Ohtani H. Xenobiotica 53 357-365 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Variants of Flavin-containing Monooxygenase 3 Found in Subjects in an Updated Database of Genome Resources. Makiguchi, M., Shimizu, M., Yokota, Y., Shimamura, E., Hishinuma, E., Saito, S., Hiratsuka, M., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Dispos. 51 884-891 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Plasma and hepatic exposures of celecoxib and diclofenac prescribed alone in patients with cytochrome P450 2C9*3 modeled after virtual oral administrations and likely associated with adverse drug events reported in a Japanese database Adachi, K., Ohyama, K., Tanaka, Y., Nakano, H., Sato, T., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Saito, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Bio Pharm Bull 46 856-863 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, HepaSH cells: Experimental human hepatocytes with lesser inter-individual variation and more sustainable availability than primary human hepatocytes. Uehara, S., Higuchi, Y., Yoneda, N., Ito, R., Takahashi, T., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., Murai, K., Hikita, H., and Takehara, T. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 663 132-141 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Liver microsomal cytochrome P450 3A-dependent drug oxidation activities in individual dogs Uno Y, Noda Y, Morikuni S, Murayama N, Yamazaki H. Xenobiotica 53 140-148 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Liver and plasma concentrations of food chemicals after virtual oral doses extrapolated using in silico estimated input pharmacokinetic parameters to confirm reported liver toxicity in rats. Adachi K., Nakano H., Sato T., Shimizu M., and Yamazak, H. Bio Pharm Bull 46 1133-1140 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Modeled Rat Hepatic and Plasma Concentrations of Chemicals after Virtual Administrations Using Two Sets of in silico Liver-to-Plasma Partition Coefficients. Adachi K, Utsumi M, Sato T, Nakano H, Shimizu M, and Yamazaki H. Bio Pharm Bull 46 1316-1323 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, A decreasing plasma concentration of a toxicologically active metabolite 9-carboxymethoxymethylguanine after dialysis – a potential new clinical biomarker for improving encephalopathy in patients treated with acyclovir. Unita R, Adachi K, Inada A, Shimizu M, Beppu S, Yamazaki H. J Infect Chemother 29 1068-1070 2023 関連リンク
- Review, US regulations to curb alleged cancer causes are ineffectual and compromised by scientific, constitutional and ethical violations. Gori, G. B., Aschner, M., Borgert, C. J., Cohen, S. M., Dietrich, D. R., Galli, C. L., Greim, H., Heslop‑Harrison, J. S., Kacew, S., Kaminski, N. E., Klaunig, J. E., Marquardt, H. W. J., Pelkonen, O., Roberts, R., Savolainen, K. M., Tsatsakis·, A., and Yamazaki, H. Archives of Toxicology 97 1813-1822 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, 2-Oxidation, 3-methyl hydroxylation, and 6-hydroxylation of skatole, a contributor to the odour of boar-tainted pork meat, mediated by porcine liver microsomal cytochromes P450 1A2, 2A19, 2E1, and 3A22. Uno, Y.; Morikuni, S.; Murayama, N.; Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 53 60-65 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Novel cytochrome P450 2C94 (CYP2C94) functionally metabolizes diclofenac and omeprazole in dogs. Uno, Y., Morikuni, S., Shiraishi, M., Asano, A., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Dispos 51 637-644 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Newly Identified Tree Shrew Cytochrome P450 2A13 (CYP2A13) is Expressed in Liver and Lung and Encodes a Functional Drug-Metabolizing Enzyme Similar to Dog CYP2A13 and Pig CYP2A19. Ushirozako, G., Noda, Y., Murayama, N., Kawaguchi, H., Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., Yamazaki, H., and Uno, Y. Drug Metab Dispos 51 610-617 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Unique Human N10-Glucuronidated Metabolite Formation from Olanzapine in Chimeric NOG-TKm30 Mice with Humanized Livers. Uehara, S., Higuchi, Y., Yoneda, N., Kato, H., Yamazaki, H., and Suemizu, H. Drug Metab Dispos 51 480-491 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Roles of human cytochrome P450 3A4/5 in dexamethasone 6beta-hydroxylation mediated by liver microsomes and humanized liver in chimeric mice metabolically suppressed with azamulin. Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 49 100504 2023
- Original article, Newly identified cytochrome P450 3A genes of tree shrews and pigs are expressed and encode functional enzymes Uno, Y., Jikuya, S., Noda, Y., Oguchi, A., Murayama, N., Kawaguchi, H., Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., and Yamazaki, H. Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol 267 109579 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, A family study of compound variants of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) in Japanese subjects found by urinary phenotyping for trimethylaminuria. Shimizu, M., Yamamoto, A., Makiguchi, M., Shimamura, E., Yokota, Y., Harano, M., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 48 100490, 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, Novel cytochrome P450 1 (CYP1) genes in tree shrews are expressed and encode functional drug-metabolizing enzymes Uno, Y., Noda, Y., Murayama, N., Tsukiyama-Kohara, K., and Yamazaki, H. Comp Biochem Physiol C 265 109534 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, High hepatic and plasma exposures of atorvastatin in subjects harboring impaired cytochrome P450 3A4*16 modeled after virtual administrations and possibly associated with statin intolerance found in the Japanese adverse drug event report database. Adachi, K., Ohyama, K., Tanaka, Y., Sato, T., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Saito, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 49 100486, 2023 関連リンク
- Review, Species specificity and selection of models for drug oxidations mediated by polymorphic human enzymes. Yamazaki, H., and Shimizu, M. Drug Metab Dispos 51 123-129 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, A Comprehensive Investigation of Dog Cytochromes P450 3A (CYP3A) Reveales A Functional Role of Newly Identified CYP3A98 in Small Intestine Uno, Y., Jikuya, S., Noda, Y., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Dispos 51 38-45 2023 関連リンク
- Original article, A comprehensive analysis of six forms of cytochrome P450 2C (CYP2C) in pigs. Uno, Y., Morikuni, S., Shiraishi, M., Asano, A., Kawaguchi, H., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 52 963-972 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Newly identified tree shrew cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) and pig CYP2B6b are functional drug-metabolizing enzymes. Uno Y, Ushirozako G, Uehara S, Murayama N, Fujiki Y, Kawaguchi H, Tsukiyama-Kohara K, and Yamazaki H. Xenobiotica 52 687-696 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Effects of multi-kinase inhibitors on the activity of cytochrome P450 2J2 Kojima A, Nadai M, Murayamam N, Yamazaki H, Katoh M. Xenobiotica 52 669-675 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Forward and Reverse Dosimetry for Aniline and 2,6-Dimethylaniline in Humans Extrapolated from Humanized-liver Mouse Data Using Simplified Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models. Miura, T., Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. J Toxicol Sci 47 531-538 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Updated in Silico Prediction Methods for Fractions Absorbed and Key Input Parameters of 355 Disparate Chemicals for Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models for Time-Dependent Plasma Concentrations after Virtual Oral Doses in Humans. Adachi K, Shimizu M, Yamazaki H. Biol Pharm Bull 45 1812-1817 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Updated in Silico Prediction Methods for Fractions Absorbed and Absorption Rate Constants of 372 Disparate Chemicals for Use in Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models for Estimating Internal Concentrations in Rats Adachi K, Shimizu M, and Yamazaki H. J Toxicol Sci 47 453-456 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Combined risk assessment of food-derived coumarin with in silico approaches. Yamada, T., Katsutani, N., Maruyama, T., Kawamura, T., Yamazaki, H., Murayama, N., Tong, W., Yamazoe, Y., and Hirose, A. Food Safety 10 73-82 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Humanized liver TK-NOG mice with functional deletion of hepatic murine cytochrome P450s as a model for studying human drug metabolism Uehara S, Iida Y, Ida-Tanaka M, Goto M, Kawai K, Yamamoto M, Higuchi Y, Ito S, Takahashi R, Kamimura H, Ito M, Yamazaki H, Oshimura M, Kazuki Y, Suemizu H. Sci Rep 12 14907 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Correction to "An Updated In Silico Prediction Method for Volumes of Systemic Circulation of 323 Disparate Chemicals for Use in Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models to Estimate Plasma and Tissue Concentrations after Oral Doses in Rats." Kamiya, Y., Handa, K., Miura, T., Ohori, J., Shimizu, M., Kitajima, M., Shono, F., Funatsu, K., and Yamazaki, H Chem Res Toxicol 35 1433 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, 市販の鎮痛薬を過量摂取し急性カフェイン中毒を来した14歳女児 神野太郎、進藤淳也、相澤魁人、西田光宏、清水万紀子、山崎浩史、上牧 務 小児科臨床 754 275-280 2022
- Original article, Further survey of genetic variants of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) in Japanese subjects found in an updated database of genome resources and identified by phenotyping for trimethylaminuria. Shimizu, M., Hirose, N., Kato, M., Sango, H., Uenuma, Y., Makiguchi, M., Hishinuma, E., Saito, S., Hiratsuka, M., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 46 100465 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Low cerebrospinal fluid-to-plasma ratios of orally administered lenalidomide mediated by its low cell membrane permeability in patients with hematologic malignancies. Ogiya D, Murayama N, Kamiya Y, Saito R, Shiraiwa S, Suzuki R, Machida S, Tazume K, Ando K, Yamazaki H. Ann Hematol 101 2013-2019 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Molecular and functional characterization of N-acetyltransferases in common marmosets and pigs Uno, Y., Uehara, S., Ijiri, M., Kawaguchi, H., Asano, A., Shiraishi, M., Banju, K., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H Drug Metab Dispos 50 1429-1433 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Plasma and synovial fluid concentrations of linezolid in patients with knee osteoarthritis infected with Staphylococcus aureus. Negishi, D., Mitsumatsu, O., Matsumura, T., Mitsumatsu, H., Makiguchi, M., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. J Pharm Health Care Sci 8 16 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Molecular and functional characterization of flavin-containing monooxygenases in pigs, dogs, and cats. Uno, Y., Shimizu, M., Ogawa, Y., Makiguchi, M., Kawaguchi, H., Yamato, O., Ishizuka, M., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem Pharmacol 202 115125 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Cytochrome P450 2J (CYP2J) Genes in Dogs, Cats, and Pigs Are Expressed and Encode Functional Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes. Uno Y, Murayama N, Ijiri M, Kawaguchfi H, Yamato O, Shiraishi M, Asano A, Teraoka H, Mizukawa H, Nakayamae SMM, Ikenaka Y, Ishizuka M, and Yamazaki H. Drug Metab Dispos 50 1434-1441 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Trivariate Linear Regression and Machine Learning Prediction of Possible Roles of Efflux Transporters in Estimated Intestinal Permeability Values of 301 Disparate Chemicals Shimizu M, Hayasaka R, Kamiya Y, and Yamazaki H. Biol Pharm Bull 45 1142-1157 2022 関連リンク
- Review Drug-oxidizing and conjugating non-cytochrome P450 (non-P450) enzymes in cynomolgus monkeys and common marmosets as preclinical models for humans Uno, Y., Uehara, S., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem Pharmacol 197 114887 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Uehara S, Murayama N, Higuchi Y, Yoneda N, Yamazaki H, and Suemizu H. Comparison of mouse and human cytochrome P450 mediated-drug metabolizing activities in hepatic and extrahepatic microsomes. Xenobiotica 52 229-239 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Shimada T, Nagayoshi H, Murayama N, Sawai A, Kim V, Kim D, Yamazaki H, Guengerich FP, and Takenaka S. Oxidation of 3´-methoxyflavone, 4´-methoxyflavone, and 3´,4´-dimethoxyflavone and their derivatives having 5,7-dihydroxyl moieties by human cytochromes P450 1B1 and 2A13. Xenobiotica 52 134-145 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Uehara, S., Yoneda, N., Higuchi, Y., Yamazaki, H., and Suemizu, H. Cytochrome P450-dependent drug oxidation activities and their expression levels in liver microsomes of chimeric TK-NOG mice with humanized livers. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 44 100454 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Plé, K., Routier, S., Yoneda, N., Higuchi, Y., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Probe drug T-1032 N-oxygenation mediated by cytochrome P450 3A5 in human hepatocytes in vitro and in humanized-liver mice in vivo. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 44, 100453 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, 安達昂一郎、別府 賢、清水万紀子、福田利明、山崎浩史 救急搬送事例となった企図的過量服用医薬品等の適正投与時の生理学的薬物動態モデルを用いた血中薬物動態再現の基盤研究 中毒研究 35 179-185 2022
- Original article, Plasma concentration profiles for hepatotoxic pyrrolizidine alkaloid senkirkine in humans extrapolated from rat data sets using a simplified physiologically based pharmacokinetic model Kamiya, Y., Miura, T., Kato, A., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Bioanal Lett, 15 64-69 2022
- White paper, Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) for Drug Discovery and Development Survey: Results on Methods, Applications and Regulatory Compliance Solon E, Groseclose MR, Ho S, Tanaka K, Nakada N, Linehan S, Nishidate M, Yokoi H, Kaji H, Urasaki Y, Watanabe K, Ishida T, Komatsu R, Yoshida K, Yamazaki H, Saito K, Saito Y, and Tanaka Y. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 43 100438 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Machine Learning Prediction of the Three Main Input Parameters of a Simplified Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model Subsequently Used to Generate Time-Dependent Plasma Concentration Data in Humans after Oral Doses of 212 Disparate Chemicals Kamiya, Y., Handa, K., Miura, T., Ohori, J., Kato, A., Shimizu, M., Kitajima, M., and Yamazaki, H. Biol Pharm Bull 45 124-128 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, An improved TK-NOG mouse as a novel platform for humanized liver that overcomes limitations in both male and female animals. Uehara, S., Higuchi, Y., Yoneda, N., Kawai, K., Yamamoto, M., Kamimura, H., Iida, Y., Oshimura, M., Kazuki, Y., Yamazaki, H., Hikita, H., Takehara, T., and Suemizu, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 42 100410 2022 関連リンク
- Original article, Systematic identification and characterization of cynomolgus macaque solute carrier transporters Uno Y, Yamazaki H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 43 100437 2022. 関連リンク
- Review Meet the Editorial Board Member Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Lett., 14 95-96 2021
- Review Meet the Associate Editor Hiroshi Yamazaki Curr.Drug Metab 22 997 2021
- Original article, Pharmacokinetics of primary metabolites 5-hydroxythalidomide and 5´-hydroxythalidomide formed after oral administration of thalidomide in the rabbit, a thalidomide-sensitive species Kuwagata, M., Hasegawa, T., Takashima, H., Shimizu, M., Kitajima, S. and Yamazaki, H. J Toxicol Sci, 46 553-560 2021 関連リンク
- Original article, A series of simple detection systems for genetic variants of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) with impaired function in Japanese subjects. Shimizu M, Mizugaki A, Koibuchi N, Sango H, Uenuma Y, Yamazaki H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 41 100420 2021 関連リンク
- Original article, Roles of human cytochrome P450 1A2 in coumarin 3,4-epoxidation mediated by untreated hepatocytes and by those metabolically inactivated with furafylline in previously transplanted chimeric mice. Miura T, Uehara S, Shimizu M, Murayama N, Suemizu H, Yamazaki H. J Toxicol Sci 46 525-530 2021 関連リンク
- Original article, Pharmacokinetics of loxoprofen in a self-administered overdose in a Japanese patient admitted to hospital. Adachi, K., Sugitani, Y., Unita, R., Yoshida, K., Beppu, S., Terashima, M., Fujii, M., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. J Pharm Health Care Sci 7 33 2021 関連リンク
- Original article, Differences in pharmacokinetics and haematotoxicities of aniline and its dimethyl derivatives orally administered in rats. Miura, T., Kamiya, Y., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Biol. Pharm. Bull 44 1775-1780 2021 関連リンク
- Original article, Pharmacokinetics of caffeine self-administered in overdose in a Japanese patient admitted to hospital Adachi, K., Beppu, S., Terashima, M., Fukuda, T., Tomizawa, J., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. J Pharm Health Care Sci, 7 36 2021 関連リンク
- Original article, Oxidative metabolism and pharmacokinetics of the EGFR inhibitor BIBX1382 in chimeric NOG-TKm30 mice transplanted with human hepatocytes. Uehara, S., Yoneda, N., Higuchi, Y., Yamazaki, H., and Suemizu, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 41 100419 2021 関連リンク
- Original article, UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A4-mediated N2-glucuronidation is the major metabolic pathway of lamotrigine in chimeric NOG-TKm30 mice with humanised livers. Uehara S, Higuchi Y, Yoneda N, Yamazaki H, Suemizu H. Xenobiotica 51 1146-1154 2021 関連リンク
- Original article, Prediction of permeability across intestinal cell monolayers for 219 disparate chemicals using in vitro experimental coefficients in a pH gradient system and in silico analyses by trivariate linear regressions and machine learning Kamiya, Y., Omura, A., Hayasaka, R., Saito, R., Sano, I., Handa, K., Ohori, J., Kitajima, M., Shono, F., Funatsu, K., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem Pharmacol 192 114749 2021
- Original article, Pharmacokinetic modeling of over-the-counter drug diphenhydramine self-administered in overdoses in Japanese patients admitted to hospital Adachi, K., Beppu, S., Terashima, M., Kobari, W., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. . Journal of Pharmaceutical Health Care and Sciences 7 32 2021
- Original article, Roles of cytochrome P450 2A6 in the oxidation of flavone, 4´-hydroxyflavone, and 4´-, 3´-, and 2´-methoxyflavones by human liver microsomes. Nagayoshi, H., Murayama, N., Takenaka, S., Kim, V., Kim, D., Komori, M., Yamazaki, H., Guengerich, F. P., and Shimada, T. Xenobiotica 51 995-1009 2021 関連リンク
- Original article, Metabolic profiles for the pyrrolizidine alkaloid neopetasitenine and its metabolite petasitenine in humans extrapolated from rat in vivo and in vitro data sets using a simplified physiologically based pharmacokinetic model Yanagi M, Kamiya Y, Murayama N, Banju K, Shimizu M, Yamazaki H. J Toxicol Sci 46 391-399 2021
- Original article, Different substrate elimination rates of model drugs pH-dependently mediated by flavin-containing monooxygenases and cytochromes P450 in human liver microsomes. Taniguchi-Takizawa, T., Kato, N., Shimizu, M., Kume, T., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 40 100412 2021
- Original article, Metabolic activation and deactivation of dietary-derived coumarin mediated by cytochrome P450 enzymes in rat and human liver preparations. Murayama, N. and Yamazaki, H. J Toxicol Sci 46 371-378 2021
- Original article, Differences in hydrolase activities in the liver and small intestine between marmosets and humans. Honda, S., Fukami, T., Hirosawa, K., Tsujiguchi, T., Zhang, Y., Nakano, M., Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Yamazaki, H., and Nakajima, M. Drug Metab Dispos, 49 718-728 2021
- Original article, Effects of polymorphic cytochrome P450 2A6 genotypes on chemoprevention against colorectal tumors in single Japanese cohort using daily low-dose aspirin: Insights into future personalized treatments. Yamazaki, H., Shimizu, M., Otani, T., Mizugaki, A., Mure, K., Suzuki, S., and Ishikawa, H. J Pharm Health Care Sci 7 26 2021
- Original article, Pharmacokinetics of Primary Oxidative Metabolites of Thalidomide in Rats and in Chimeric Mice Humanized with Different Human Hepatocytes. Miura, T., Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. J Toxicol Sci 46 311-317 2021
- Original article, Cloning, sequence analysis, and tissue expression of marmoset paraoxonase 1. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 39 100398 2021
- Original article, Feasibility of physiologically based pharmacokinetic simulations for assessing pediatric patients after accidental drug ingestion: A case study of a 1.4-year-old girl who ingested alprazolam. Emoto, C., Shimizu, M., Tanaka, T., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 39 100394 2021
- Original article, Miura, T., Kamiya, Y., Uehara, S., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Hepatotoxicological potential of p-toluic acid in humanized-liver mice investigated using simplified physiologically based pharmacokinetic models Shimizu, M., Koibuchi, N., Mizugaki, A., Hishinuma, E., Saito, S., Hiratsuka, M., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 51 636-642 2021
- Original article, 海産魚摂取後の強い体臭から診断に至ったトリメチルアミン尿症(魚臭症)男児 小川真司、小川恵美、清水万紀子、山崎浩史 小児科臨床 74 433-438 2021
- Original article, トリメチルアミン尿症の女児例 蓮見純平、山崎浩史 日本小児科学会雑誌 125 467-471 2021
- Original article, Genetic variants of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) in Japanese subjects identified by phenotyping for trimethylaminuria and found in a database of genome resources Shimizu, M., Koibuchi, N., Mizugaki, A., Hishinuma, E., Saito, S., Hiratsuka, M., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 38 100387 2021
- Original article, Teicoplanin physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling offers a quantitative assessment of a theoretical influence of serum albumin and renal function on its disposition Emoto, C., Johnson, T. N., Yamada, T., Yamazaki, H., and Fukuda, T. Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 77 1157-1168 2021
- Original article, Methyl-hydroxylation and subsequent oxidation to produce carboxylic acid is the major metabolic pathway of tolbutamide in chimeric TK-NOG mice transplanted with human hepatocytes Uehara S, Yoneda N, Higuchi Y, Yamazaki H, Suemizu H. Xenobiotica 51 582-589 2021
- Original article, Genetic Variants of Aldehyde Oxidase (AOX) 1 in Cynomolgus and Rhesus Macaque Uno Y, Uehara S, Murayama N, Yamazaki H. Xenobiotica 39 100398 2021
- Original article, Human total clearance values and volumes of distribution of typical human cytochrome P450 2C9/19 substrates predicted by single-species allometric scaling using pharmacokinetic data sets from common marmosets genotyped for P450 2C19 Matsumoto, S., Uehara, S., Kamimura, H., Ikeda, H., Maeda, S., Hattori, M., Nishiwaki, M., Kato, K., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 51 479-493 2021
- Original article, Predicted Contributions of Flavin-containing Monooxygenases to the N-Oxygenation of Drug Candidates Based on their Estimated Base Dissociation Constants Taniguchi-Takizawa, T., Kato, H., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Curr Drug Metab, 22 208-214 2021
- Original article, In silico Prediction of input parameters for simplified physiologically based pharmacokinetic models for estimating plasma, liver, and kidney exposures in rats after oral doses of 246 disparate chemicals Kamiya, Y., Handa, K., Miura, T., Yanagi, M., Shigeta, K., Hina , S., Shimizu, M., Kitajima, M., Shono, F., Funatsu, K., and Yamazaki, H. Chem Res Toxicol, 34 507-513 2021
- Original article, Pharmacokinetics of duloxetine self-administered in overdose with quetiapine and other antipsychotic drugs in a Japanese patient admitted to hospital Adachi K, Beppu S, Nishiyama K, Shimizu M, and Yamazaki H. J Pharm Health Care Sci. 7 6 2021
- Original article, Uno, Y., Mikami, T., Tsukazaki, Y., Nakanishi, Y., Murayama, N., Ikushiro, S., Tsusaki, H., and Yamazaki, H. Genetic variants of UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 1A1, 1A6, and 1A9 in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques. Xenobiotica 51 115-121 2021
- Original article, Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry analysis of oxidation of 2´-, 3´-, 4´-, and 6-hydroxyflavanones by human cytochrome P450 enzymes. Shimada, T., Nagayoshi, H., Murayama, N., Takenaka, S., Katahira, J., Kim, V., Kim, D., Komori, M., Yamazaki, H., and Guengerich, F. P. Xenobiotica 51 139-154 2021
- Original article, Evaluation of domain of unknown function 1220 (DUF1220) for detection of human genome by quantitative polymerase chain reaction: Potential use in assessing the biodistribution of transplanted therapeutic human cells. Okawa, Y., Kohara, S., Uchiyama, A., Yamazaki, H., and Uno, Y. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 38 100366 2021
- Original article, In vivo drug interactions of itopride and trimethylamine mediated by flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 in humanized-liver mice. Shimizu, M., Uehara, S., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 37 100369 2021
- Original article, Plasma and Hepatic Concentrations of Acetaminophen and Its Primary Conjugates after Oral Administrations Determined in Experimental Animals and Humans and Extrapolated by Pharmacokinetic Modeling. Toda, A., Shimizu, M., Uehara, S., Sasaki, T., Miura, T., Mogi, M., Utoh, M., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 51 316-323 2021
- Original article, Metabolic Profiles of Tetrabromobisphenol A in Humans Extrapolated from Humanized-Liver Mouse Data Using a Simplified Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Model Miura, T., Uehara, S., Shigeta, K., Yoshizawa, M., Kamiya, Y., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 34 522-528 2021
- Original article, Different Hepatic Concentrations of Bromobenzene, 1,2-Dibromobenzene, and 1,4-Dibromobenzene in Humanized-Liver Mice Predicted Using Simplified Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Models as Putative Markers of Toxicological Potential Miura, T., Shimizu, M., Uehara, S., Yoshizawa, M., Nakano, A., Yanagi, M., Kamiya, Y., Murayama, N., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H Chem Res Toxicol. 33 3048-3053 2020
- Original article, Different effects of polymorphic flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 and cytochrome P450 2A6 activities on an index of arteriosclerosis as a lifestyle-related disease in a general population in Japan. Uraoka, M., Shimizu, M., Kuwajima, Y., Mizugaki, A., Yokoyama, H., Mure, K., and Yamazaki, H. Curr Drug Metab 21 161-1164 2020
- Original article, Molecular cloning and tissue distribution of marmoset thiopurine S-methyltransferase. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 35 475-478 2020
- Original article, Molecular cloning, sequence analysis, and tissue distribution of marmoset monoamine oxidases A and B. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H Drug Metab Pharmacokinet. 35 479-482 2020
- Original article, Modelled plasma concentrations of pemafibrate with co-administered typical cytochrome P450 inhibitors clopidogrel, fluconazole, or clarithromycin predicted by physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling in virtual populations. Ogawa S, Shimizu M, Yamazaki H. Xenobiotica, 50 1413-1422 2020
- Original article, Human plasma concentration-time profiles of troglitazone and troglitazone sulfate simulated by in vivo experiments with chimeric mice with humanized livers and semi-physiological pharmacokinetic modeling. Ito, S., Kamimura, H., Yamamoto, Y., Chijiwaa, H., Okuzonoa, T., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab and Pharmacokinet, 35 505-514 2020
- Original article, Trimethylamine N-oxygenation in cynomolgus macaques genotyped for flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3). Shimizu M, Uno Y, Utoh M, and Yamazaki H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet, 35 571-573 2020
- Original article, Pharmacokinetics of anticoagulant edoxaban in overdose in a Japanese patient transported to hospital. J Adachi, K., Tuchiya, J., Beppu, S., Nishiyama, K., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. J Pharm Health Care Sci 6, 20 2020
- Original article, Metabolic profiles of coumarin in human plasma extrapolated from a rat data set with a simplified physiologically based pharmacokinetic model Miura T, Kamiya Y, Hina S, Kobayashi Y, Murayama N, Shimizu M, Yamazaki H J Toxicol Sci 45 695-700 2020
- Original article, Plasma, liver, and kidney exposures in rats after oral doses of industrial chemicals predicted using physiologically based pharmacokinetic models: A case study of perfluorooctane sulfonic acid Kamiya Y, Yanagi M, Hina S, Shigeta K, Miura T, Yamazaki H. J Toxicol Sci 45 763-767 2020
- Original article, Physiologically based pharmacokinetic models redicting renal and hepatic concentrations of industrial chemicals after virtual oral doses in rats. Kamiya, Y., Otsuka, S., Miura, T., Yoshizawa, M., Nakano, A., Iwasaki, M., Kobayashi, Y., Shimizu, M., Kitajima, M., Shono, F., Funatsu, K., and Yamazaki, H Chem Res Toxicol. 33 1736-1751 2020 関連リンク
- Original article, Novel variants in outer protein surface of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 found in an Argentinian case with impaired capacity for trimethylamine N-oxygenation Dionisio L, Shimizu M, Stupniki S, Oyama S, Aztiria E, Alda M, Yamazaki H, and Spitzmaul G Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 35 383-388 2020
- Original article, Regional distributions of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activities toward estradiol and serotonin in the liver and small intestine of cynomolgus macaques. Nakanishi Y, Uno Y, Yamazaki H. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 35 401-404 2020
- Original article, Human Aldehyde Oxidase 1-mediated Carbazeran Oxidation in Chimeric TK-NOG Mice Transplanted with Human Hepatocytes. Uehara S, Yoneda N, Higuchi Y, Yamazaki H, Suemizu H. Drug Metab Dispos 48 580--586 2020
- Original article, Predicted values for human total clearance of a variety of typical compounds with differently humanized-liver mouse plasma data. Nakayama K, Kamimura H, Suemizu H, Yoneda N, Nishiwaki M, Iwamoto K, Mizunaga M, Negoro T, Ito S, Yamazaki H, and Nomura Y. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 35 389-396 2020
- Original article, Increased plasma concentrations of an antidyslipidemic drug pemafibrate co-administered with rifampicin or cyclosporine A in cynomolgus monkeys genotyped for the organic anion transporting polypeptide 1B1. Drug Metab and Pharmacokinet Ogawa S-i, Shimizu M, Kamiya Y, Uehara S, Suemizu H, and Yamazaki H Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 35 354-360 2020
- Original article, Genetic variants of N-acetyltransferases 1 and 2 (NAT1 and NAT2) in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques Uno, Y., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem Pharmacol 174 113996 2020
- Original article, Preference for O-demethylation reactions in the oxidation of 2 -, 3 -, and 4 -methoxyflavones by human cytochrome P450 enzymes Nagayoshi, H., Murayama, N., Tsujino, M., Takenaka, S., Katahira, J., Kim, V., Kim, D., Komori, M., Yamazaki, H., Guengerich, F. P., and Shimada Xenobiotica 50 1158–1169 2020
- Original article, Different roles of human cytochrome P450 2C9 and 3A enzymes in diclofenac 4'- and 5-hydroxylations mediated by metabolically inactivated human hepatocytes in previously transplanted chimeric mice. Miura, T., Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Murayama, N., Utoh, M., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 33 634-639 2020 関連リンク
- Original article, Plasma concentrations of pemafibrate with co-administered drugs predicted by physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling in virtual populations with renal/hepatic impairment Ogawa, S., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 50 1023-1031 2020
- Original article, mRNA levels of drug-metabolizing enzymes in 11 brain regions of cynomolgus macaques Uno, Y. and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 35 248-252 2020
- Original article, Molecular characterization of functional UDP-glucuronosyltransferases 1A and 2B in common marmosets. Uno, Y., Uehara, S., Inoue, T., Kawamura, Y., Murayama, N., Nishikawa, M., Ikushiro, S., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. 172 113748 2020
- Review, The marmoset cytochrome P450 superfamily: sequence/phylogenetic analyses, genomic structure, and catalytic function Uehara S., Uno Y. and Yamazaki H. Biochem.Pharmacol. 171 113721 2020 関連リンク
- Original article, Prediction of circulating human metabolites of pemafibrate, a novel antidyslipidemic drug, using chimeric mice with humanized liver. Ogawa S, Uehara S, Tsunenari Y, Kawai H, Suemizu H and Yamazaki H. Xenobiotica 50 769-775 2020
- Original article, Cloning and tissue expression of cytochrome P450 2S1, 4V2, 7A1, 7B1, 8B1, 24A1, 26A1, 26C1, 27A1, 39A1, and 51A1 in marmosets. Uehara S, Uno Y, Inoue T, Sasaki E and Yamazaki H. Drug Metab, Pharmacokinet. 35 244-247 2020
- Original article, Metabolism of desloratadine by chimeric TK-NOG mice transplanted with human hepatocytes Uehara, S., Yoneda, N., Higuchi, Y., Yamazaki, H., and Suemizu, H. Xenobiotica 50 733-740 2020
- Original article, Expression levels of microRNAs that are potential cytochrome P450 regulators in cynomolgus macaques Uno Y. and Yamazaki H. Xenobiotica 50 747-752 2020
- Original article, Predicting successful/unsuccessful extrapolation for in vivo total clearance of model compounds with a variety of hepatic intrinsic metabolism and protein bindings in humans from pharmacokinetic data using chimeric mice with humanised liver Sawada T, Yamamura Y, Higuchi S, Imawaka H, Yamazaki H. Xenobiotica 50 526-535 2020
- Original article, Simple pharmacokinetic models accounting for drug monitoring results of atomoxetine and its 4-hydroxylated metabolites in Japanese pediatric patients genotyped for cytochrome P450 2D6. Notsu, Y., Shimizu, M., Sasaki, T., Nakano, A., Ota, M., Yoshida, S., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 35 191-200 2020
- Original article, Adult and infant pharmacokinetic profiling of dihydrocodeine using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. Ota, M., Shimizu, M., Kamiya, Y., Emoto, C., Fukuda, T., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 40 350-357 2019
- Review, Hepatic concentrations of industrial chemicals extrapolated using pharmacokinetic models for predicting liver toxicity. Yamazaki, H., Kamiya Y. Toxicol Res. 35 295-301 2019
- Original article, Genetic variants of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) derived from Japanese subjects with the trimethylaminuria phenotype and whole-genome sequence data from a large Japanese database. Shimizu, M., Yoda, H., Nakakuku, K., Saso, A., Saito, I., Hishinuma, E., Saito, S., Hiratsuka, M., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 34 334-339334-339 2019
- Original article, Human plasma and liver concentrations of styrene estimated by combining a simple physiologically based pharmacokinetic model with rodent data Miura, T., Uehara, S., Nakazato, M., Kusama, T., Toda, A., Kamiya, Y., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. J. Toxicol.l Sci., 44 543-548 2019
- Original article, Molecular and functional characterization of cytosolic sulfotransferases in cynomolgus macaque Uno, Y., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. 166 153-162 2019
- Original article, Oxidation of flavone, 5-hydroxyflavone, and 5,7-dihydroxyflavone to mono-, di-, and tri-hydroxyflavones by human cytochrome P450 enzymes. Nagayoshi, H., Murayama, N., Kakimoto, K., Tsujino, M., Takenaka, S., Katahira, J., Lim, Y.-R., Kim, D., Yamazaki, H., Komori, M., Guengerich, F. P, and Shimada, T. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 32 1268-1280 2019
- Original article, Inhibitory effects of antihypertensive drugs on human cytochrome P450 2J2 activity: potent inhibition by azelnidipine and manidipine. Ikemura, N., Yamaori, S., Kobayashi, C., Kamijo, S., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., and Ohmori, S. Chem.-Biol. Inter., 306 1-6 2019
- Review, Message from the President of the Japanese Society for the Study of Xenobiotics (in Japanese) Yamazaki, H. Yakugaku Zasshi 139 415-417 2019
- Original article, Functional and molecular characterization of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 2 family in cynomolgus macaques Uno, Y., Takahira, R., Murayama, N., Onozeki, S., Kawamura, S., Uehara, S., Ikenaka, Y., Ishizuka, M., Ikushiro, S., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. 163 335-344 2019
- Original article, Steady-state human pharmacokinetics of monobutyl phthalate predicted by physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling using single-dose data from humanized-liver mice orally administered with dibutyl phthalate Miura, T., Uehara, S., Mizuno, S., Yoshizawa, M., Murayama, N., Kamiya, Y., Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 33 333-340 2019
- Review, Editorial Aschner, M., Autrup, H.N., Cohen, S.M., Dekant, W., Eisenbrand, G., Galli, C.L., Gori, G.B., Kaminski, N.E., Klaassen, C.D., Klaunig, J.E., Levy, L., Lotti, M., Marquardt, H.W., Pelkonen, O., Schrenk, D.F., and Yamazaki, H. Regul.Toxicol.Pharmacol. 101 A1-A2 2019
- Original article, Regioselective hydroxylation of an antiarrhythmic drug, propafenone, mediated by rat liver cytochrome P450 2D2 differs from that catalyzed by human P450 2D6 Uehara, S., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., and Suemizu, H. Xenobiotica 49 1321-1331 2019
- Original article, Predictability of human pharmacokinetics of diisononyl phthalate (DINP) using chimeric mice with humanized liver Iwata, H., Goto, M., Sakai, N., Suemizu, H., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 49 1311-1322 2019
- Original article, Plasma and hepatic concentrations of chemicals after virtual oral administrations extrapolated using rat plasma data and simple physiologically based pharmacokinetic models. Kamiya, Y., Otsuka, S., Miura, T., Takaku, H., Yamada, R., Nakazato, M., Nakamura, H., Mizuno, S., Shono, F., Funatsu, K., and Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res.Toxicol. 32 211-218 2019
- Original article, Pharmacokinetics and metabolism of pemafibrate, a novel selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-alpha modulator, in rats and monkeys Ogawa, S., Tunenari, Y., Kawai, H., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 40 12-17 2019
- Original article, Prediction of human distribution volumes of compounds in various elimination phases using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling and experimental pharmacokinetics in animals. Shimizu, H., Yoshida, K., Nakada, T., Ogasawara, A., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 47 114-123 2019
- Original article, Novel variants and haplotypes of human flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) gene associated with Japanese subjects suffering from trimethylaminuria. Shimizu, M., Yoda, H., Igarashi, N., Makino, M., Tokuyama, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 49 1244-1250 2019
- Original article, Functionally relevant genetic variants of glutathione S-transferase GSTM5 in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques Yasuhiro Uno, Norie Murayama, Kazuaki Tamura, and Hiroshi Yamazaki Xenobiotica 49 995-1000 2019
- Original article, Pharmacokinetics of anticoagulants apixaban, dabigatran, edoxaban and rivaroxaban in elderly Japanese patients with atrial fibrillation treated in one general hospital Miho Yamazaki-Nishioka, Minoru Kogiku, Masayuki Noda, Sumio Endo, Mitsuru Takekawa, Hirohisa Kishi, Miki Ota, Yuki Notsu, Makiko Shimizu, and Hiroshi Yamazaki Xenobiotica 49 1001-1006 2019
- Review, Survey of drug oxidation activities in hepatic and intestinal microsomes of individual common marmosets, a new nonhuman primate animal model. Uehara, S., Oshio, T., Nakanishi, K., Tomioka, E., Suzuki, M., Inoue, T., Uno, Y., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Curr.Drug Metab. 20 103-113 2019
- Original article, Non-synonymous genetic variants of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) in cynomolgus macaques. Uno, Y., Shimizu, M., Yoda, H., Origuchi, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet 34 104-107 2019
- Original article, Expression and metabolic activity of flavin-containing monooxygenase 1 (FMO1) in cynomolgus macaque kidney Uno Y, Shimizu M, Yoda H, Yamazaki H. J.Med.Primatol 48 51–53 2019
- Original article, In vivo multiple metabolic pathways for a novel G protein-coupled receptor 119 agonist DS-8500a in rats: involvement of the 1,2,4-oxadiazole ring-opening reductive reaction in livers under anaerobic conditions Makino, C., Watanabe, A, Deguchi, T., Shiozawa, H., Scheck, I., Rozehnal, V., Ishizuka, T., Watanabe, N., Ando, O., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 49 961-969 2019
- Original article, In vivo hepatic clearance of lipophilic drugs predicted by in vitro uptake data into cryopreserved hepatocytes suspended in sera of rats, guinea pigs, monkeys, and humans Koyanagi, T., Yano, K., Kim, S., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., and Tamai, I. Xenobiotica 49 887-894 2019
- Original article, Site-specific oxidation of flavanone and flavone by cytochrome P450 2A6 in human liver microsomes Nagayoshi, H., Murayama, N., Kakimoto, K., Takenaka, S., Kitahara, J., Lim, Y.-R., Kim, V., Kim, D., Yamazaki, H., Komori, M., Guengerich, F. P., and Shimada, T. Xenobiotica 49 791-802 2019
- Original article, Expression and inducibility of cytochrome P450s in human hepatocytes isolated from chimeric mice with humanized livers Uehara, S., Higuchi, Y., Yoneda, N., Yamazaki, H., and Suemori, H. Xenobiotica 49 678-687 2019
- Original article, Suitable albumin concentrations for enhanced drug oxidation activities mediated by human liver microsomal cytochrome P450 2C9 and other forms predicted with unbound fractions and partition/distribution coefficients of model substrates Shimura, K., Murayama, N., Tanaka, S., Onozeki, S., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 49 557-562 2019
- Original article, Human urinary concentrations of monoisononyl phthalate estimated using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling and experimental pharmacokinetics in humanized-liver mice orally administered with diisononyl phthalate Miura T, Suemizu H, Goto M, Sakai N, Iwata H, Shimizu M and Yamazaki H. Xenobiotica 49 513-520 2019
- Original article, Marmoset cytochrome P450 2B6, a propofol hydroxylase expressed in liver Oshio, T., Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 3 265–269 2019 関連リンク
- Review article, Importance of cynomolgus monkeys in development of monoclonal antibody drugs. Iwasaki K, Uno Y, Utoh M and Yamazaki H. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 34 55-62 2019 関連リンク
- Original article, Cytochrome P450 2A6 and other human P450 enzymes in the oxidation of flavone and flavanone Kakimoto, K., Murayama, N., Takenaka, S., Nagayoshi, H., Lim, Y.-R., Kim, V., Kim, D., Yamazaki, H., Komori, M., Guengerich, F. P., and Shimada, T. Xenobiotica 49 131-142 2019 関連リンク
- Original article, Cytochrome P450-dependent drug oxidation activities in commercially available hepatocytes derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells cultured for 3 weeks Murayama, N. and Yamazaki, H. J.Toxicol.Sci. 43 241-245 2018
- Original article, Improved intranasal retentivity and transnasal absorption enhancement by PEGylated poly-L-ornithine. Kamiya, Y., Yamaki, T., Omori, S., Uchida, M., Ohtake, K., Kimura, M., Yamazaki, H., and Natsume, H. Pharmaceuticals, 11 9 2018
- Original article, Cytochrome P450 1A1, 2C9, 2C19, and 3A4 polymorphisms account for inter-individual variability of toxicological drug metabolism in cynomolgus macaques. Uno, Y., Uehara, S., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 31 1373-1381 2018
- Original article, Molecular and functional characterization of N-acetyltransferases NAT1 and NAT2 in cynomolgus macaque Uno, Y., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 31 1269-1276 2018
- Original article, Genetic variants of glutathione S-transferase GSTT1 and GSTT2 in cynomolgus macaques: identification of GSTT substrates and functionally relevant alleles. Uno, Y., Murayama, N., Kato, M., Tanaka, S., Ohkoshi, T., and Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 31 1086-1091 2018
- Commentaly, Obfuscating Transparency? Marquardt,H.W.J., Autrup,H., Berry,C.L., Boobis,A.R., Cohen,S.M., Dekant,W., Galli,C.L., Goodman,J.I., Gori,G.B., Greim,H.A., Kaminski,N.E., Klaassen,C.D., Klaunig,J.E., Lotti,M., Marquardt,H.W.J., Moretto,A., Pelkonen,O., Sipes,I.G., Wallace,K.B., and Yamazaki,H. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 97 A1-A3 2018
- Original article, Molecular and functional characterization of UDP-glucuronosyltransferase 1A in cynomolgus macaques. Uno, Y., Takahira, R., Murayama, N., Ishii, Y., Ikenaka, Y., Ishizuka, M., Yamazaki, H., and Ikushiro, S. Biochem. Pharmacol., 155 172-181 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Collaborative method performance study of the measurement of nicotine, its metabolites, and total 3 nicotine equivalents in human urine Wang L, Bernert JT, Benowitz NL, Feng.J., Jacob III P, McGaheea E, Caudilla SP, Scherer G, Scherer M, Pluym N, Doig MV, Newland K, Murphy SE, Caron NJ, Sander LC, Shimizu M, Yamazaki H, Kim S, Langman LJ, Pritchett JS, Sniegoski LT, Li Y, Blount BC, Pirkle JL. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarker Prev 27 1-8 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, In vivo and in vitro diclofenac 5-hydroxylation mediated primarily by cytochrome P450 3A enzymes in common marmoset livers genotyped for P450 2C19 variants Nakanishi, K., Uehara, S., Kusama, T., Inoue, T., Shimura, K., Kamiya, Y., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Uno, Y., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H Biochem. Pharmacol. 152 272-282 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Prediction of human pharmacokinetics of typical compounds by a physiologically based method using chimeric mice with humanized liver Nakayama, K., Ito, S., Suzuki, M., Takubo, H., Yamazaki, H., and Nomura, Y Xenobiotica 49 404-414 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Human plasma concentrations of trimethylamine N-oxide extrapolated using pharmacokinetic modeling based on metabolic profiles of deuterium-labeled trimethylamine in humanized-liver mice Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., Mizuno, S., Kusama, T., Miura, T., Uehara, S., and Yamazaki, H. J.Toxicol. Sci. 43 387-393 2018
- Original article, Association of pharmacokinetic profiles of lenalidomide in human plasma simulated using pharmacokinetic data in humanized-liver mice with liver toxicity dete,cted by human serum albumin RNA. Murayama,N., Suemizu,H., Uehara,S., Kusama,T. Mitsui,M., Kamiya,Y., Shimizu,M., Guengerich,F. P., and Yamazaki,H. J. Toxicol.Sci, 43 369-375 2018
- Original article, Polymorphisms of cytochrome P450 2B6 (CYP2B6) in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques Uno, Y., Uehara, S., and Yamazaki, H. J.Med.Primatol. 47 232-237 2018
- Review article, Genetic polymorphisms of drug-metabolizing cytochrome P450 enzymes in cynomolgus and rhesus monkeys and common marmosets in preclinical studies for humans Uno, Y., Uehara, S., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. 153 184-195 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Dihydrocodeine overdoses in a neonate and in a 14-year-old girl who were both genotyped as cytochrome P450 2D6*1/*10-*36: comparing developmental ages and drug monitoring data with the results of pharmacokinetic modeling Shimizu, M. Kondo, T. Fukuoka, T. Tanaka, T. and Yamazaki, H. Ther. Drug Monit. 40 162-165 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Chimeric mice with humanized liver as a model for testing organophosphate and carbamate pesticide exposure Suemizu, H., Kawai, K., Murayama, N., Nakamura, M., and Yamazaki, H. Pest Manag.Sci 74 1424-1430 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, In vivo analysis of the anti-atrial fibrillatory, proarrhythmic and cardiodepressive profiles of dronedarone as a guide for safety pharmacological evaluation of antiarrhythmic drugs. Motokawa, Y., Nakamura, Y., Hagiwara-Nagasawa, M., Goto, A., Chiba, K., Lubna, N. J., Izumi-Nakaseko, H., Ando, K., Naito, A. T. , Yamazaki, H., and Sugiyama, A. Cardiovasc. Toxicol., 18 242-251 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Assessment of multiple cytochrome P450 activities in metabolically inactivated human liver microsomes and roles of P450 2C isoforms in reaction phenotyping studies Murayama, N., Yajima, K., Hikawa, M., Shimura, K., Ishii, Y., Takada, M., Uno, Y., Utoh, M., Iwasaki, K., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 39 115-121 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Association with polymorphic marmoset cytochrome P450 2C19 of in vivo hepatic clearances of chirally separated R-omeprazole and S-warfarin using individual marmoset physiologically based pharmacokinetic models Kusama, T., Toda, A., Shimizu, M., Uehara, S., Inoue, T., Uno, Y., Utoh, M., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica, 48 1072-1077 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Molecular cloning and tissue distribution of a novel marmoset ABC transporter Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 39 59-63 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Expression of cytochrome P450 regulators in cynomolgus macaque. Uno, Y. and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 48 695-703 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Progesterone hydroxylation by cytochromes P450 2C and 3A enzymes in marmoset liver microsomes. Nakanishi, K., Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 48 757-763 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Effects of aging and rifampicin pretreatment on the pharmacokinetics of human cytochrome P450 probes caffeine, warfarin, omeprazole, metoprolol, and midazolam in common marmosets genotyped for cytochrome P450 2C19. Toda, A., Uehara, S., Inoue, T., Utoh, M., Kusama, T., Shimizu, M., Uno, Y., Mogi, M., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 48 720-726 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Marmoset pulmonary cytochrome P450 2F1 oxidizes biphenyl and 7-ethoxycoumarin and hepatic human P450 substrates.. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Oshio, T., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H Xenobiotica 48 656-662 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Development of genotyping method for functionally relevant variants of cytochromes P450 in cynomolgus macaques. Uno, Y., Osada, N., Sakurai, S., Shimozawa, N., Iwata, T., Ikeo, K., and Yamazaki, H. J.Vet.Pharmacol.Ther., 41 e30-e34 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Oxidation of 1-chloropyrene by human CYP1 family and CYP2A subfamily cytochrome P450 enzymes: catalytic roles of two CYP1B1 and ffve CYP2A13 allelic variants Shimada, T., Murayama, N., Kakimoto, K., Takenaka, T., Lim, Y.-R., Yeom, S., Kim, D., Yamazaki, H., Guengerich, F. P., and Komori, M. Xenobiotica 48 565-575 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Terfenadine t-butyl hydroxylation catalyzed by human and marmoset cytochrome P450 3A and 4F enzymes in livers and small intestines. Uehara, S., Yuki, Y., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 48 342-347 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, R-Warfarin clearances from plasma associated with polymorphic cytochrome P450 2C19 and simulated by individual physiologically based pharmacokinetic models for 11 cynomolgus monkeys Utoh, M., Kusama, T., Miura, T., Mitsui, M., Kawano, M., Hirano, T., Shimizu, M., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 48 206-210 2018 関連リンク
- Original article, Human plasma metabolic profiles of benzydamine, a flavin-containing monooxygenase probe substrate, simulated with pharmacokinetic data from control and humanized-liver mice Yamazaki-Nishioka, M., Shimizu, M., Suemizu, H., Nishiwaki, M., Mitsui, M., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 48 117-123 2018 関連リンク
- Review Meet Our Editorial Board Member Hiroshi Yamazaki Drug Metabolism Letters 11 1 2017
- Review article, Differences in toxicological and pharmacological responses mediated by polymorphic cytochromes P450 and related drug-metabolizing enzymes. Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 30 53-60 2017 関連リンク
- Correction, Correction to “Molecular Cloning, Tissue Distribution, and Functional Characterization of Marmoset Cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1” Uehara S., Uno Y., Inoue T., Sasaki E., and Yamazaki H Drug Metab.Dispos. 45 956 2017
- Corrigendum, Corrigendum to "Genetic polymorphism of cynomolgus and rhesus macaque CYP2C9" [Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 30 (2015) 130-132] Uno, Y., Matsushita, A., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab.Pharmacokinet., 32 192 2017
- Original article, The dihydroxy metabolite of the teratogen thalidomide causes oxidative DNA damage Wani, T. H., Chakrabarty, A., Shibata, N., Yamazaki, H., Guengerich, F. P., and Chowdhury, G. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 30 1622-1628 2017
- Original article, Effects of meat intake frequency and polymorphic cytochrome P450 2A6 activity on individual colorectal tumour risk in a Japanese cohort. Yamazaki, H., Fujieda, M., Shimizu, M., Shiotani, A., SImabukuro, S., Mure, K., Takeshita, H., and Ishikawa, H. J.Cancer Ther. 8 645-652 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Efavirenz clearances in vitro and in vivo in six cynomolgus monkeys associated with polymorphic cytochrome P450 2C9 and simulated by individual physiologically based pharmacokinetic models Utoh, M., Miura, T., Kusama, T., Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos., 38 439-442 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Hepatic expression of cytochrome P450 enzymes in non-human primate species. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. J.Med.Primatol. 46 347-351 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Regio- and stereo-selective oxidation of a cardiovascular drug metoprolol mediated by cytochrome P450 2D and 3A enzymes in marmoset livers Uehara, S., Ishii, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H Drug Metab. Dispos., 45 896-899 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Molecular cloning and characterization of marmoset aldehyde oxidase Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Okamoto, E., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos 45 883-886 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Human plasma and urinary metabolic profiles of trimethylamine and trimethylamine N-oxide extrapolated using a simple physiologically based pharmacokinetic model Shimizu, M. and Yamazaki, H. J.Toxicol. Sci. 42 485-490 2017
- Original article, Functional characterization and tissue expression of marmoset cytochrome P450 2E1 Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Tomioka, E., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos., 38 394-397 2017
- Original article, Ratio of serum levels of AGEs to soluble RAGE Is correlated with trimethylamine-N-oxide in non-diabetic subjects. Tahara, N., Yamagishi, S., Tahara, A., Honda, A., Igata, S., Bekki, M., Nakamura, T., Sugiyama, Y., Takeuchi, M., Shimizu, M., Yamazaki, H., Fukami, K., and Fukumoto, Y. Int.J.Food Sci.Nutr. 68 013-1020 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Induction of human cytochrome P450 3A enzymes in cultured placental cells by thalidomide and relevance to bioactivation and toxicity. Murayama, N., Kazuki, Y., Satoh, D., Arata, K., Harada, T., Shibata, N., Guengerich, F. P., and Yamazaki, H. J. Toxicol. Sci. 42 343-348 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Marmoset flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 in liver is a major benzydamine and sulindac sulfide oxygenase. Uehara, S., Shiimizu, M., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 45 497-500, 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Marmoset cytochrome P450 3A4 orthologue expressed in liver and small intestine tissues efficiently metabolizes midazolam, alprazolam, nifedipine, and testosterone Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Nakanishi, K., Ishii, S., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab.Dispos. 45 457-467 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Characterization of microminipig as an in vivo experimental model for cardiac safety pharmacology Matsukura, S., Nakamura, Y., Cao, X., Wada, T., Izumi-Nakaseko, H., Ando, K., Yamazaki, H., and Sugiyama, A. J.Pharmacol.Sci. 133 103-109 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Metabolic profiles of pomalidomide in human plasma simulated with pharmacokinetic data in control and humanized-liver mice. Shimizu M, Suemizu H, Mitsui M, Shibata N, Guengerich FP, Yamazaki H. Xenobiotica 47 844-848 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Cloning and expression of a novel catechol-O-methyltransferase in common marmosets. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. J.Vet.Med.Sci. 79 267-272 2017 関連リンク
- Perspective, Differences in toxicological and pharmacological responses mediated by polymorphic cytochromes P450 and related drug-metabolizing enzymes Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 30 53-60 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Sex- and age-dependent gene expression in human liver: an implication for drug-metabolizing enzymes. Uno, Y., Takata, R., Kito, G., Yamazaki, H., Nakagawa, K., Nakamura, Y., Kamataki, T., and Katagiri, T. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 32 100-107 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, CYP2C76 deficiency is embryonic lethal in cynomolgus macaques: the potential role of CYP2C76 in early embryogenesis Koyama, S., Fukuda, K., Watanabe, S., Matsushita, A., Tsuchiya, H., Fujinami, N., Hohara, S., Murayama, N., Nagano, M., Yamazaki, H., Fukuzaki, K., Uno, Y., and Hosoi, Y. Drug Metab. Pharmacokinet. 32 112-115 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Simulation of human plasma concentration-time profiles of the partial glucokinase activator PF-04937319 and its disproportionate N-demethylated metabolite using humanized chimeric mice and semi-physiological pharmacokinetic modeling Kamimura, H., Ito, S., Chijiwa, H., Okuzono, T., Ishiguro, T., Yamamoto, Y., Nishinoaki, S., Mitsui, M., Kalgutkar, A. S., Ninomiya, S., Yamazaki, H., and Suemizu, H. Xenobiotica 47 382-393 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Stable and episodic/bolus patterns of methylmercury exposure on mercury accumulation and histopathologic alterations in the nervous system Sakamoto, M., Kakita, A., Domingo, J. L., Yamazaki, H., Oliveira, R. B., Sarrazin, S., Eto, K., and Murata, K. Environ.Res. 152 446-453 2017 関連リンク
- Original article, Marmoset cytochrome P450 4A11, a novel arachidonic acid and lauric acid omega-hydroxylase expressed in liver and kidney tissues Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Ishii, S., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 47 553-561 2017
- Original article, Cytochrome P450 2A6 phenotyping using dietary caffeine salivary metabolite ratios and genotyping using blood on storage cards in non-smoking Japanese volunteers Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Kobayashi, K., Kishimoto, I., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab.Lett., 10 240-243 2016 関連リンク
- Review, Upholding science in health, safety and environmental risk assessments and regulations Aschner, M., Autrup, H. N., Berry, S. C., Boobis, A. R., Cohen, S. M., Creppy, E. E., Dekant, W., Doull, J., alli, C. L., Goodman, J. I., Gori, G. B., Greim, H. A., Joudrier, P., Kaminski, N. E., Klaassen, C. D., Klaunig, J. E., Lotti, M., Marquardt, H. W. J., Pelkonen, O., Sipes, I. G., Wallace, K., and Yamazaki, H Toxicology 371 12-16 2016
- Review, Whither the impending european regulation of presumed endocrine disruptors? Autrup, H. N., Berry, S. C. L., Cohen, S. M., Creppy, E. E., de Camargo, J. L., Dekant, W., Dietrich, D., Galli, C. L., Goodman, J. I., Gori, G. B., Greim, H. A., Klaunig, J. E., Lotti, M., Marquardt, H. W., Wallace, K. B., and Yamazaki, H. Regul. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 82 A1-A2 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Oxidation of R- and S-omeprazole stereoselectively mediated by liver microsomal cytochrome P450 2C19 enzymes from cynomolgus monkeys and common marmosets Uehara, S., Kawano, M., Murayama, N., Uno, Y., Utoh, M., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol 120 56-62 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Roles of human CYP2A6 and monkey CYP2A24 and 2A26 cytochrome P450 enzymes in the oxidation of 2,5,2',5'-tetrachlorobiphenyl Shimada, T., Kakimoto, K., Takenaka, S., Koga, N., Uehara, S., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., Kim, D., Guengerich, F. P., and Komori, M. Drug Metab. Dispos 44 1899-1909 2016
- Original article Physiologically based pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic modeling to predict concentrations and actions of sodium-dependent glucose transporter 2 inhibitor canagliflozin in human intestines and renal tubules Mori, K., Saito, R., Nakamaru, Y., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos., 37 491–506 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Pre-incubation with cyclosporine A potentiates its inhibitory effects on pitavastatin uptake mediated by recombinantly expressed cynomolgus monkey hepatic organic anion transporting polypeptide Takahashi, T., Ohtsuki, Y., Uno, Y., Utoh, M., Yamazaki, H., and Kume, T. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 37 479-490 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Assessment of protein binding of 5-hydroxythalidomide bioactivated in humanized mice with human P450 3A-chromosome or hepatocytes by two-dimensional electrophoresis/accelerator mass spectrometry Yamazaki, H., Suemizu, H., Kazuki, Y., Oofusa, K., Kuribayashi, S., Shimizu, M., Ninomiya, S., Horie, T., Shibata, N., and Guengerich, F. P Chem. Res. Toxicol. 29 1279-1281 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Identification of putative substrates for cynomolgus monkey cytochrome P450 2C8 by substrate depletion assays with 22 human P450 substrates and inhibitors. Hosaka, S., Murayama, N., Satsukawa, M., Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Iwasaki, K., Iwano, S., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 37 310-313 2016 関連リンク
- Review, Combining Chimeric mice with humanized liver, mass spectrometry, and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic modeling in toxicology. Yamazaki, H., Suemizu, H., Mitsui, M., Shimizu, M., and Guengerich, F. P. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 29 1903-1911 2016 関連リンク
- Review, Utility of non-human primates in drug development: comparison of non-human primate and human drug-metabolizing cytochrome P450 enzymes Uno, Y., Uehara, S., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. 121 1-7 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Functional polymer-dependent 3D culture accelerates the differentiation of HepaRG cells into mature hepatocytes Higuchi, Y., Kawai, K., Kanai, T., Yamazaki, H., Chesne, C., Guguen-Guillouzo, C., and Suemizu, H. Hepatol.Res. 46 1045-1057 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Marmoset cytochrome P450 2J2 mainly expressed in small intestines and livers effectively metabolizes human P450 2J2 probe substrates, astemizole and terfenadine Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Okamoto, E., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 46 977-985 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Human plasma concentrations of cytochrome P450 probe cocktails extrapolated from pharmacokinetics in mice transplanted with human hepatocytes and from pharmacokinetics in common marmosets using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling Utoh, M., Suemizu, H., Mitsui, M., Kawao, M., Toda, A., Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Shimizu, M., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 46 1049-1055 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Analysis of gene expression for microminipig liver transcriptomes using parallel long-read technology and short-read sequencing Sakai, C., Iwano, S., Shimizu, M., Onodera, J., Uchida, M., Sakurada, E., Yamazaki, Y., Asaoka, Y., Imura, N., Uno, Y., Murayama, N., Hayashi, R., Yamazaki, H., and Miyamoto, Y. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 37 220-232 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Individual differences in metabolic clearance of S-warfarin efficiently mediated by polymorphic marmoset cytochrome P450 2C19 in livers. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Kawano, M., Shimizu, M., Toda, A., Utoh, M., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 44 911-915 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Structure-function studies of naphthalene, phenanthrene, biphenyl, and their alkynyl derivatives in interaction with and oxidation by cytochromes P450 2A13 and 2A6 Shimada, T., Takenaka, S., Kakimoto, K., Murayama, N., Lim, Y.-R., Kim, D., Foroozesh, M., Yamazaki, H., Guengerich, F. P., and Komori, M. Chem. Res. Toxicol. 29 1029-1040 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, A case of delayed emergence following propofol anesthesia: genetic analysis Yonekura, H., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., and Sobeu, K. Anesth.Analg.Case Rep. 7 243-246 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Systematic approach to optimize a pretreatment method for ultrasensitive LC/MS/MS analysis of multiple target compounds in biological samples Togashi, K., Mutaguchi, K., Kumuro, S., Kataoka, M., Yamazaki, H., and Yamashita, S. J.Sep.Sci. 39 3212-3220 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, In vivo individual variations in pharmacokinetics of efavirenz in cynomolgus monkeys genotyped for cytochrome P450 2C9 Iwasaki, K., Kitsugi, Y., Ikeda, K., Yoshikawa, T., Hosaka, S., Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Utoh, M., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 37 379-383 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Evaluation of cytochrome P450 inductions by anti-epileptic drug oxcarbazepine, 10-hydroxyoxcarbazepine, and carbamazepine using human hepatocytes and HepaRG cells Sugiyama, I., Murayama, N., Kuroki, A., Kota, J., Iwano, S., Yamazaki, H., and Hirota, T Xenobiotica 46 765-774 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Human plasma concentrations of five cytochrome P450 probes extrapolated from pharmacokinetics in dogs and minipigs using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling Shida, S. and Yamazaki, H Xenobiotica 46 759-764 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Analysis of gene expression for microminipig liver transcriptomes using parallel long-read technology and short-read sequencing. Sakai, C., Iwano, S., Shimizu, M., Onodera, J., Uchida, M., Sakurada, E., Yamazaki, Y., Asaoka, Y., Imura, N., Uno, Y., Murayama, N., Hayashi, R., Yamazaki, H., and Miyamoto, Y. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 37 220-232 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Genomic landscape of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma in a Japanese population. Sawada, G., Niida, A, Uchi, R., Hirata, H., Shimamura, T., Suzuki, Y., Shiraishi, Y., Chiba, K., Imoto, S., Takahashi, Y, Iwaya, T., Hayashi, T, Takai, H., Kawasaki, Y., Matsukawa, T., Eguchi, H, Sugimachi, K., Tanaka, F, Suzuki, H., Yamamoto, K., Ishii, H., Shimizu, M., Yamazaki, H., Yamazaki, M., Tachimori, Y., Kajiyama, Y., Natsugoe, S., Fujita, H., Mafune, K, Tanaka, Y, Kelsell, D. P., Scott, C. A., Tsuji, S., Yachida, S., Shibata, T., Sugano, S., Doki, Y., Akiyama, T., Aburatani, H., Ogawa, S., Miyano, S., Mori, M., and Mimori, K. Gastroenterology 150 1171-1182 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 A new marmoset P450 4F12 enzyme expressed in small intestines and livers efficiently metabolizes an anti-histaminic drug ebastine. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Yuki, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 44 833-841 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Thalidomide-induced limb abnormalities in a humanized CYP3A mouse model. Kazuki, Y., Akita, M., Kobayashi, K., Osaki, M., Satoh, D., Abe, S., Takehara, S., Kazuki, K., Yamazaki, H., Kamataki, T., and Oshimura, M. Sci.Rep. 6 21419 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Individual differences in in vitro and in vivo metabolic clearances of antipsychotic risperidone from Japanese subjects genotyped for cytochrome P450 2D6 and 3A5. Hum. Okubo, M., Morita, S., Murayama, N., Akimoto, Y., Goto, A., and Yamazaki, H. Hum.Psychopharmacol.Clin.Exp. 31 93-102 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Individual differences in in vitro and in vivo metabolic clearances of the antipsychotic drug olanzapine from non-smoking and smoking Japanese subjects genotyped for cytochrome P450 2D6 and flavin-containing monooxygenase 3. Hum. Okubo, M., Narita, M., Murayama, N., Akimoto, Y., Goto, A., and Yamazaki, H. Hum.Psychopharmacol.Clin.Exp. 31 83-92 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Molecular cloning, tissue distribution, and functional characterization of marmoset cytochrome P450 1A1, 1A2, and 1B1. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 44 8-15 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Caffeine 7-N-demethylation and C-8-oxidation mediated by liver microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes in common marmosets. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Suzuki, T., Utoh, M., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 46 573-578 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 In vitro inhibition and enhancement of liver microsomal S-777469 metabolism by long-chain fatty acids and serum albumin: insight into in vitro and in vivo discrepancy of metabolite formation in humans. Sekiguchi, K., Kanazu, T., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., and Yamaguchi, T. Xenobiotica 46 495-502 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Development of a genotyping tool for a functionally relevant CYP2C19 allele (Phe100Asn, Ala103Val, Ile112Leu) in cynomolgus macaques. Uno, Y., Yamazaki, H. J.Vet.Med.Sci. 78 147-148 2016
- 原著論文 Simultaneous pharmacokinetics evaluation of human cytochrome P450 probes, caffeine, warfarin, omeprazole, metoprolol, and midazolam, in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Uehara, S., Inoue, T., Utoh, M., Toda, A., Shimizu, M., Uno, Y., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 46 163-168 2016 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Oxidation of pyrene, 1-hydroxypyrene, 1-nitropyrene, and 1-acetylpyrene by human cytochrome P450 2A13. Shimada, T., Takenaka, S., Murayama, N., Kramlinger, V. M., Kim, J.-H., Kim, D., Foroozesh, M. K., Yamazaki, H., Guengerich, F. P., and Komori, M. Xenobiotica 46 211-224 2016 関連リンク
- Original article, Strong induction of cytochrome P450 1A/3A, but not P450 2B, in cultured hepatocytes from common marmosets and cynomolgus monkeys by typical human P450 inducing agents Uehara,S., Uno,Y., Suzuki,T., Inoue,S., Utoh,M., Sasaki,E., and Yamazaki,H. Drug Metab.Lett. 10 244-253 2016. 関連リンク
- 総説 Meet our editorial board member Yamazaki, H. Curr.Drug Metab. 16 333 2015
- 総説 19th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 – 第19回シトクロムP450国際会議 – 会議報告 山崎浩史、清水万紀子 薬剤学 75 380 2015
- 総説 Regioselective hydroxylation of steroid hormones by human cytochromes P450. Niwa, T., Murayama, N., Imagawa, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Rev. 47 89-110 2015
- 原著論文 Analysis of six novel flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) gene variants found in a Japanese population suffering from trimethylaminuria. Shimizu, M., Origuchi, Y., Ikuma, M., Mitsuhashi, N., and Yamazaki, H. Mol.Genet.Metab.Report 5 89-93 2015
- 原著論文 Simulation of human plasma concentrations of thalidomide and primary 5-hydroxylated metabolites explored with pharmacokinetic data in humanized TK-NOG mice. Nishiyama, S., Suemizu, H., Shibata, N., Guengerich, F. P., and Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res.Toxicol. 28 2088-2090 2015 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Dataset for genotyping validation of cytochrome P450 2A6 whole-gene deletion (CYP2A6*4) by real-time polymerase chain reaction platforms. Shimizu, M., Koyama, , T., Kishimoto, I., and Yamazaki, H. Data in Brief 5 642-645 2015 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Similar substrate specificity of cynomolgus monkey cytochrome P450 2C19 to reported human P450 2C counterpart enzymes by evaluation of 89 drug clearances. Hosaka, S., Murayama, N., Satsukawa, M., Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Iwasaki, K., Iwano, S., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 36 636-643 2015
- 原著論文 Point mutation of cytochrome P450 2A6 (a polymorphic allele CYP2A6.25) confers new substrate specificity towards flavonoids. Uno, T., Ogura, C., Izumi, C., Nakamura, M., Yanase, T., Yamazaki, H., Ashida, H., Kanamar, K., Yamagata, H., and Imaishi, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos 36 552-563 2015
- 原著論文 Novel marmoset cytochrome P450 2C19 in livers efficiently metabolizes human P450 2C9 and 2C19 substrates, S-warfarin, tolbutamide, flurbiprofen, and omeprazole. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, S., Kawano, M., Shimizu, M., Toda, A., Utoh, M., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 43 1408-1416 2015 関連リンク
- 原著論文 動物データに基づくヒト放射線内部被曝線量の評価-薬物動態学的方法論の応用- 杉本倫教, 岩瀬由未子,弓田長彦,千葉康司,山崎浩史,池田敏彦. Radioisotopes 64 673-679 2015
- 原著論文 Human plasma concentrations of tolbutamide and acetaminophen extrapolated from in vivo animal pharmacokinetics using in vitro human hepatic clearances and simple physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling for radio-labeled microdose clinical studies. Yamazaki, H., Kunikane, E., Nishiyama, S., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Sugiyama, Y., Chiba, K., and Ikeda, T. Radioisotopes 64 509-519 2015
- 原著論文 Comprehensive evaluation for substrate selectivity of cynomolgus monkey cytochrome P450 2C9, a new efavirenz oxidase. Hosaka, S., Murayama, N., Satsukawa, M., Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Iwasaki, K., Iwano, S., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 43 1119-1122 2015
- 原著論文 Substrate selectivities and catalytic activities of marmoset liver cytochrome P450 2A6 differed from those of human P450 2A6. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 43 969-976 2015 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Human urine and plasma concentrations of bisphenol A extrapolated from pharmacokinetics established in in vivo experiments with chimeric mice with humanized liver and semi-physiological pharmacokinetic modeling. Miyaguchi, T., Suemizu, H., Shimizu, M., Shida, S., Nishiyama, S., Takano, R., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Regul.Toxicol.Pharmacol. 72 71-76 2015
- 原著論文 Slow R-warfarin 7-hydroxylation mediated by P450 2C19 genetic variants in cynomolgus monkeys in vivo. Utoh, M., Yoshikawa, T., Hayashi, Y., Shimizu, M., Iwasaki, K., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. 95 110-114 2015
- 原著論文 Human plasma concentrations of cytochrome P450 probes extrapolated from pharmacokinetics in cynomolgus monkeys using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. Shida, S., Utoh, M., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 45 881-886 2015
- 原著論文 Activation and deactivation of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) by cytochrome P450 enzymes and flavin-containing monooxygenases in common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus). Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Inoue, T., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 43 735-742 2015 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Human biofluid concentrations of mono(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate extrapolated from pharmacokinetics in chimeric mice with humanized liver administered with di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. Adachi, K., Suemizu, H., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol. 39 1067-1073 2015
- 原著論文 Marmoset cytochrome P450 2D8 in livers and small intestines metabolizes typical human P450 2D6 substrates, metoprolol, bufuralol, and dextromethorphan. Uehara, S., Uno, Y., Hagihira, Y., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Inoue, T., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 45 766-772 2015 関連リンク
- 原著論文 CYP2D44 polymorphisms in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques. Uno, Y., Uehara, S., Kohara, S., Osada, N., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki,H. Mol.Biol.Rep. 42 1149–1155 2015
- 原著論文 Oxidation of acenaphthene and acenaphthylene by human cytochrome P450 enzymes. Shimada, T., Takenaka, S., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., Kim, J. H., Kim, D., Yoshimoto, F. K., Guengerich, F. P., and Komori, M. Chem. Res.Toxicol. 28 268-278 2015 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Human HepaRG cells can be cultured in hanging-drop plates for cytochrome P450 induction and function assays. Murayama, N., Usui, T., Slawny, N., Chesne, C., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab.Lett. 9 3-7 2015 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Human pharmacokinetic profiling of the dipeptidyl peptidase-IV inhibitor teneligliptin using physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. Nakamaru, Y., Emoto, C., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Biopharm. Drug Dispos. 36 148-162 2015
- 原著論文 Oral L-carnitine supplementation increases trimethylamine-N-oxide, but reduces markers of vascular injury in hemodialysis patients. Fukami, K., Yamagishi, S., Sakai, K., Kaida, Y., Yokoro, M., Ueda, S., Wada, Y., Takeuchi, M, Shimizu, M., Yamazaki, H., and Okuda, S. J.Cardiovasc.Pharmacol. 65 289-295 2015
- 原著論文 A. Intravenous administration of apomorphine does not induce long QT syndrome: experimental evidence from in vivo canine models. Watanabe, Y., Nakamura, Y., Cao, X., Ohara, H., Yamazaki, Y., Murayama, N., Sugiyama, Y., Izumi-Nakaseko, H., Ando, K., Yamazaki, H., and Sugiyama Basic Clin.Pharmacol.Toxicol. 116 468-475 2015
- 原著論文 A. Azithromycin can prolong QT interval and suppress ventricular contraction, but will not induce Torsade de Pointes. Ohara, H., Nakamura, Y., Watanabe, Y., Cao, X., Yamazaki, Y., Izumi-Nakaseko, H., Ando, K., Yamazaki, H., Yamazaki, J., Ikeda, T., and Sugiyama Cardiovasc.Toxicol. 15 232-240 2015
- 原著論文 Age-related changes of hepatic clearances of cytochrome P450 probes, midazolam and R-/S-warfarin in combination with caffeine, omeprazole, and metoprolol, in cynomolgus monkeys using in vitro-in vivo correlation. Koyanagi, T., Nakanishi, Y., Murayama, N., Yamaura, Y., Ikeda, K., Yano, K., Uehara, S., Utoh, M., Kim, S., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 45 312-321 2015
- 原著論文 Genetic polymorphism of cynomolgus and rhesus macaque CYP2C9. Uno, Y., Matsushita, A., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab.Pharmacokinet. 30 130-132 2015
- 原著論文 Benzydamine N-oxygenation as an index for flavin-containing monooxygenase activity and benzydamine N-demethylation by cytochrome P450 enzymes in liver microsomes from rats, dogs, monkeys, and humans. Taniguchi-Takizawa, T., Shimizu, M., Kume, T., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab.Pharmacokinet. 30 64-69 2015
- 原著論文 Potential for drug interactions mediated by polymorphic flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 in human livers. Shimizu, M., Shiraishi, A, Sato, A., Nagashima, S., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab.Pharmacokinet. 30 70-74 2015
- 原著論文 Genotyping of wild-type cytochrome P450 2A6 and whole-gene deletion using human blood samples and a multiplex real-time polymerase chain reaction method with dual-labeled probes. Shimizu, M., Sawaya, R., Kishimoto, I., and Yamazaki, H. Clinica Chimica Acta. 441 71-74 2015
- 原著論文 Immunochemical quantification of cynomolgus CYP2J2, CYP4A, and CYP4F enzymes in liver and small intestine. Uehara, S., Murayama, N., Nakanshi, Y., Nakamura, C., Hashizume, T., Zelden, D. C., Yamazaki, H., and Uno, Y. Xenobiotica 45 124-130 2015
- 原著論文 Effects of cytochrome P450 2D6 and 3A5 genotypes and possible coadministered medicines on the metabolic clearance of antidepressant mirtazapine in Japanese patients. Okubo, M., Murayama, N., Miura, J., Chiba, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. 93 104-109 2015
- 原著論文 Fluvoxamine by itself has potential to directly induce long QT syndrome at supratherapeutic concentrations. Yamazaki-Hashimoto, Y., Nakamura, Y., Ohara, H., Cao, X., Kitahara, K., Izumi-Nakaseko, H., Ando, K., Yamazaki, H., Ikeda, T., Yamazaki, J., and Sugiyama, A. J. Toxicol. Sci. 40 33-42 2015
- 原著論文 Evaluation of 89 compounds for identification of substrates for cynomolgus monkey cytochrome P450 2C76, a new bupropion/nifedipine oxidase. Hosaka, S., Murayama, N., Satsukawa, M., Shimizu, M., Uehara, S., Fujino, H., Iwasaki, K., Iwano, S., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 43 27-33 2015 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Zone analysis by two-dimensional electrophoresis with accelerator mass spectrometry of in vivo protein bindings of idiosyncratic hepatotoxicants troglitazone and flutamide bioactivated in chimeric mice with humanized liver. Yamazaki, H., Kuribayashi, S., Inoue, T., Honda, T., Tateno, C., Oofusa, K., Ninomiya, S., Ikeda, T., Izumi, T., and Horie, T. Toxicol.Res. 4 106-111 2015
- 総説 Drug interactions between nine antifungal agents and drugs metabolized by human cytochromes P450. Niwa, T., Inagawa, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Curr.Drug Metab. 15 651-678 2014
- 総説 平成26年度日本薬物動態学会学会賞を受賞して 山崎浩史 Drug Metab.Pharmacokinet. 29(6) 15-17 2014
- 総説 私立薬大での薬物動態学研究室の立ち上げ(2) 山崎浩史 Drug Metab.Pharmacokinet. 29(6) 39-42 2014
- 総説 私立薬大での薬物動態学研究室の立ち上げ(1) 山崎浩史 Drug Metab.Pharmacokinet. 29(5) 21-24 2014
- 総説 Drug-induced liver toxicity studies: research into human metabolites clarifies their role in drug development. Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab.Pharmacokinet. 29 111 2014
- 原著論文 Species differences in the pharmacokinetic parameters of cytochrome P450 probe substrates between experimental animals, such as mice, rats, dogs, monkeys, and microminipigs, and humans. Sakai, C., Iwano, S., Yamazaki, Y., Ando, Y., Nakane, F., Kouno, M., Yamazaki, H., and Miyamoto, Y. J. Drug Metab.Toxicol. 5 173 2014
- 原著論文 Identification and analysis of CYP7A1, CYP17A1, CYP20A1, CYP27A1, and CYP51A1 in cynomolgus macaques. Uno, Y., Hosaka, S., and Yamazaki, H. J.Vet.Med.Sci. 76 1647-1650 2014
- 原著論文 Comparison of catalytic properties of cytochromes P450 3A4 and 3A5 by molecular docking simulation. Niwa T, Yasumura M, Murayama N and Yamazaki H. Drug Metab.Lett. 8 43-50 2014
- 原著論文 Pharmacokinetics and effects on serum cholinesterase activities of organophosphorus pesticides acephate and chlorpyrifos in chimeric mice transplanted with human hepatocytes. Suemizu, H., Sota, S., Kuronuma, M., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Regul.Toxicol.Pharmacol. 70 468-473 2014
- 原著論文 CYP2C19 polymorphisms account for inter-individual variability of drug metabolism in cynomolgus macaques. Uno, Y., Matsushita, A., Shukuya, M., Matsumoto, Y., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. 91 242-248 2014
- 原著論文 Polymorphisms of CYP2D17 in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques: an evidence of the genetic basis for the variability of CYP2D-dependent drug metabolism. Uno, Y., Uehara, S., Kohara, S., Murayama, N., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab. Dispos. 42 1407-1410 2014 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Human plasma concentrations of herbicidal carbamate molinate extrapolated from the pharmacokinetics established in in vivo experiments with chimeric mice with humanized liver and physiologically based pharmacokinetic modeling. Yamashita, M., Suemizu, H., Murayama, N., Nishiyama, S., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Regul.Toxicol.Pharmacol. 70 214-221 2014
- 原著論文 Qualitative de novo analysis of full length cDNA and quantitative analysis of gene expression for common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) transcriptomes using parallel long-read technology and short-read sequencing. Shimizu, M., Iwano, S., Uno, Y., Uehara, S., Inoue, T., Murayama, N., Onodera, J., Sasaki, E., and Yamazaki, H. PLoS One 9 e100936 2014
- 原著論文 Drug oxygenation activities mediated by liver microsomal flavin-containing monooxygenases 1 and 3 in humans, monkeys, rats, and minipigs. Yamazaki, M., Shimizu, M., Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Biochem. Pharmacol. 90 159-165 2014
- 原著論文 Trimethylamine generation in patients receiving hemodialysis treated with L-carnitine. Ozasa, H., Shimizu, M., Koizumi, A., Wakabayashi, A., and Yamazaki, H. Clin.Kidney J. 7 329 2014
- 原著論文 A survey of adverse effects and risk factors for topical application of diclofenac (in Japanese) Ohyama, K., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Jpn. J. Pharm. Health Care Sci. 40 310-316 2014
- 原著論文 K. Effect of ketoconazole on the pharmacokinetics of the dipeptidyl peptidase-4 Inhibitor teneligliptin: an open-label study in healthy white subjects in Germany. Nakamaru, Y., Hayashi, Y., Sekine, M., Kinoshita, S., Thompson, J., Kawaguchi, A., Davies, M., Jurgen, Heuer H., Yamazaki, H., and Akimoto Clin.Ther. 36 760-769 2014
- 原著論文 Hepatic microsomal UDP-glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) activities in the microminipig. Biopharm. Higashi, E., Ando, A., Iwano, S., Murayama, N., Yamazaki, H., and Miyamoto, S. Drug Dispos. 35 313-320 2014
- 原著論文 Koyanagi, T., Yamaura, K., Yano, K., Kim, S., and Yamazaki, H. Age-related pharmacokinetic changes of acetaminophen, antipyrine, diazepam, diphenhydramine, and ofloxacin in male cynomolgus monkeys and beagle dogs. Xenobiotica 44 893-901 2014
- 原著論文 Yajima, K., Uno, Y., Murayama, N., Uehara, S., Shimizu, M., Nakamura, C., Iwasaki, K., Utoh, M., and Yamazaki, H. Evaluation of 23 lots of commercially available cryopreserved hepatocytes for induction assays of human cytochromes P450. Drug Metab. Dispos 42 867-871 2014
- 原著論文 Immunochemical detection of cytochrome P450 enzymes in small intestine microsomes of male and female untreated juvenile cynomolgus monkeys. Uehara, S., Murayama, N., Nakanishi, Y., Nakamura, C., Hashizume, T., Zelden, D. C., Yamazaki, H., and Uno, Y. Xenobiotica 44 769-774 2014
- 原著論文 Voriconazole metabolism, toxicity and the effect of cytochrome P450 2C19 genotype. Zonios, D., Yamazaki, H., Murayama, N., Natrarajan, V., Palmore, T., Childs, R., Skinner, J., and Bennett, J. J.Infect.Dis. 209 1941-1948 2014 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Relationships between flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) genotype and trimethylaminuria phenotype in a Japanese population. Shimizu, M., Allerston, C. K., Shephard, E. A., Yamazaki, H.and Phillips, I. R. Brit.J. Clin. Pharmacol. 77 839-851 2014
- 原著論文 Thalidomide increases human hepatic cytochrome P450 3A enzymes by direct activation of pregnane X receptor. Murayama, N., van Beuningen, R., Suemizu, H., Guguen-Guillouzo, C., Shibata, N., Yajima, K., Utoh, M., Shimizu, M., Chesne, C., Nakamura, M., Guengerich, F. P., Houtman, R., and Yamazaki, H. Chem. Res.Toxicol. 27 304-308 2014 関連リンク
- 原著論文 Metabolism and disposition of the dipeptidyl peptidase IV inhibitor teneligliptin in humans. 264. Nakamaru, Y., Hayashi, Y., Ikegawa, R., Kinoshita, S., Madera, B. P., Gunput, D., Kawaguchi, A., Davies, M., Mair, S., Yamazaki, H., Kume, T., and Suzuki, M. Xenobiotica 44 242-253 2014
- 原著論文 Drug interactions of diclofenac and its oxidative metabolite with human liver microsomal cytochrome P450 1A2-dependent drug oxidation. Ohyama, K., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., and Yamazaki, H. Xenobiotica 44 10-16 2014
- 原著論文 Human cytochrome P450 oxidation of 5-hydroxythalidomide and pomalidomide, an amino analog of thalidomide. Chowdhury G, Shibata N, Yamazaki H., and Guengerich FP. Chem. Res.Toxicol. 27 147-156 2014
- 原著論文 The human hepatic cell line HepaRG cells, possible cell source for steady generation of humanized liver TK-NOG mice. Higuchi, Y., Kawai, K., Yamazaki, H., Nakamura, M., Bree, F., Guillouzo, C., and Suemizu, H. Xenobiotica 44 146-153 2014
- Original article, Interleukin-1β and tumor necrosis factor-α affect cytochrome P450 expression in cynomolgus macaque hepatocytes Uno Y, Murayama N, Yamazaki H.. Drug Metab and Pharmacokinet, 35 341-343 2000
- Original article, Systematic characterization of glutathione S-transferases in common marmosets Uno Y, Uehara S, Tanaka S, Murayama N, and Yamazaki H. Biochem Pharmacol 174 113835 2000 関連リンク
- Original article, Determination and prediction of permeability across intestinal epithelial cell monolayer of a diverse range of industrial chemicals/drugs for estimation of oral absorption as a putative marker of hepatotoxicity Kamiya, Y., Takaku, H., Yamada, R., Akase, C., Abe, Y., Sekiguchi, Y., Murayama, N., Shimizu, M., Kitajima, M., Shono, F., Funatsu, K., and Yamazaki, H. Toxicol. Rep. 7 149-154 2000
- Original article, Cloning and tissue expression of ATP-binding cassette transporters in cynomolgus macaques Uno, Y., and Yamazaki, H. Drug Metab Pharmacokinet 42 100431 2022. 関連リンク
- 招待講演 “Metabolic profile of 14C-diisononyl phthalate using pharmacokinetic modelling and chimeric mouse with humanized-liver”, Hiroshi Yamazaki International Scientific Meeting of Plasticisers and Science – State of the Art Speyer, Germany September 2018
- 特別講演 “Combining Humanized-liver Mice Model and Pharmacokinetic Modeling in Drug Metabolism and Disposition” Hiroshi Yamazaki 2020 Shanghai PKPD Forum Shanghai, China (online) November 25, 2020
- 特別講演 “A physiologically based pharmacokinetic model to predict chemical concentrations in livers after virtual oral doses” Hiroshi Yamazaki Tokyo AI-SHIPS International Symposium; the front line of development of in silico toxicity prediction system. Tokyo, Japan. November 2018
- 招待講演 “Adult and infant pharmacokinetic profiling of dihydrocodeine by Simcyp” Hiroshi Yamazaki 11th Annual Simcyp Virtual Seminar on Applications of Population-based IVIVE and PBPK, Sheffield,UK (online) November 11 and 18, 2020
- 招待講演 ”Roles of Human Cytochrome P450 Enzymes in Drug Oxidation: Comparison of In Vitro and In Vivo System Results”, Hiroshi Yamazaki 21st International Conference on Cytochrome P450 ~Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology~ Brisbane, Australia June 23-27, 2019
- 特別講演・シンポジウム Representative phthalate pharmacokinetics in chimeric mice with humanized liver Hiroshi Yamazaki Green Plasticizer Development Forum 2016 Shanghai 2016/04/23~2016/04/25
- ポスター発表 抗てんかん薬オクスカルバゼピンの代謝酵素誘導能に関する研究 黒木彩加、村山典恵、杉山育男、岩野俊介、山崎浩史、廣田孝司 日本薬学会第136年会 横浜 2016/03/26~2016/03/29
- ポスター発表 向精神病薬カルバマゼピンがもたらすヒトP4503A酵素との薬物相互作用 村山典恵、倉林優貴、日川美紀子、大久保真穂、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第136年会 横浜 2016/03/26~2016/03/29
- ポスター発表 日本人におけるトリメチルアミン尿症の一因となる新規フラビン含有モノオキシゲナーゼ3ハプロタイプの解析 牧野美紀、清水万紀子、徳山瑛美、梶谷綾、渡邊碧、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第136年会 横浜 2016/03/26~2016/03/29
- ポスター発表 日本人におけるトリメチルアミン尿症の原因となる新規フラビン含有モノオキシゲナーゼ3遺伝子変異の解析 徳山瑛美、清水万紀子、牧野美紀、梶谷綾、渡邊碧、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第136年会 横浜 2016/03/26~2016/03/29
- ポスター発表 ヒト肝細胞移植マウスおよびマーモセット生理学的薬物動態モデルを活用したチトクロムP450カクテル基質のヒト血中濃度推移予測 清水万紀子、三井満里奈、河野未来、上原正太郎、宇野泰広、鵜藤雅裕、井上貴史、佐々木えりか、末水洋志、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第136年会 横浜 2016/03/26~2016/03/29
- ポスター発表 新規マーモセットP450 2J酵素の同定および機能解析 上原正太郎、岡本絵里子、宇野泰広、井上貴史、佐々木えりか、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第136年会 横浜 2016/03/26~2016/03/29
- 口頭発表 マーモセット肝のワルファリン酸化的代謝の立体選択性 河野未来、上原正太郎、石井さくら、宇野泰広、井上貴史、鵜藤雅裕、佐々木えりか、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第136年会 横浜 2016/03/26~2016/03/29
- ポスター発表 マーモセットあるいはカニクイザル肝細胞を用いた薬物暴露によるチトクロムP450誘導の評価 鈴木貴子、上原正太郎、村山典恵、宇野泰広、矢島加奈子、鵜藤雅裕、井上貴史、佐々木えりか、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第136年会 横浜 2016/03/26~2016/03/29
- ポスター発表 マーモセットおよびカニクイザル小腸P450酵素によるエバスチン酸化的代謝 上原正太郎、結城友香子、宇野泰広、井上貴史、佐々木えりか、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第136年会 横浜 2016/03/26~2016/03/29
- ポスター発表 An Association between Plasma and Urinary Levels of Trimethylamine-N-oxide(TMAO) and Metabolic Factors in a Population of Community-dwelling Japanese. Ako Fukami, Hisashi Adachi, Mika Enomoto, Eita Kumagai, Sachiko Nakamura, Yume Nohara, Erika Nakao, Nagisa Morikawa, Tomoko Tsuru, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Kei Fukami, and Yoshihiro Fukumoto 第80回日本循環器学会学術集会 仙台 2016/03/18~2016/03/20
- 特別講演・シンポジウム ヒト放射線内部被曝線量評価の実際およびAPDDの提案 池田敏彦、村山典恵、山崎浩史 北里-APDD合同シンポジウム -ヒトRI試験の実施指針- 東京 2016/03/14
- 特別講演・シンポジウム 薬物代謝酵素の多型と代謝物に民族差を生ずる可能性-日本人におけるヒトRI試験の重要性- 山崎浩史 北里-APDD合同シンポジウム -ヒトRI試験の実施指針- 東京 2016/03/14
- ポスター発表 In Vivo Model for Predicting Organophosphate Toxicity using Humanized-Liver TK-NOG Mouse Hiroshi Suemizu, Miyuki Kuronuma, Kenji Kawai, Norie Murayama, Masato Nakamura and Hiroshi Yamazaki The Society of Toxicology 55th Annual Meeting New Orleans, USA 2016/03/13~2016/03/17
- 口頭発表 ニコチン代謝酵素チトクロム P450 2A6 野生型および全欠損型遺伝子判定法の比較 岸本いずみ、清水万紀子、梶谷綾、山崎浩史 第70回聖マリアンナ医科大学医学会学術集会 川崎 2016/03/12
- 特別講演・シンポジウム Metabolic Activation of Xenobiotics by Polymorphic Drug-metabolizing Enzymes Hiroshi Yamazaki The 13th Asia Pacific Federation of Pharmacologist Meeting (APFP) Thailand 2016/02/01~2016/02/03
- 特別講演・シンポジウム ヒト薬物動態予測を目指したサル、マーモセットとヒト肝細胞移植マウスの活用研究 山崎浩史 第38 回 薬物動態談話会年会 浜松 2015/11/30~2015/12/01
- ポスター発表 腎機能障害時における薬物間相互作用の予測:DPP-4阻害薬 テネリアを例として 清水秀俊、仲丸善喜、山崎浩史、久米俊行 第25回日本医療薬学会年会 横浜 2015/11/21~2015/11/23
- 特別講演・シンポジウム Comparison of drug oxidations in humans, primates, and rodents Hiroshi Yamazaki 30th JSSX Annual Meeting 東京 2015/11/12~2015/11/14
- 特別講演・シンポジウム Flavin-containing monooxygenase 3: Individual differences and drug interactions Makiko Shimizu and Hiroshi Yamazaki 30th JSSX Annual Meeting 東京 2015/11/12~2015/11/14
- ポスター発表 Functional polymer-dependent 3D culture accelerates the differentiation of HepaRG cells into mature hepatocytes Yuichiro Higuchi, Kenji Kawai, Tatsuro Kanaki, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Chesne Cristophe, Guguen-Guillouzo Christiane, Hiroshi Suemizu 30th JSSX Annual Meeting 東京 2015/11/12~2015/11/14
- ポスター発表 Pharmacokinetics of efavirenz after oral and intravenous administration of efavirenz to genotypedcynomolgus monkeys Yusuke Kitsugi, Kanami Ikeda, Atsushi Matsuoka, Takaaki Tokunaga, Natsumi Tomida, Haruka Shirosawa, Takahiro Yoshikawa, Yasuhiro Uno, Kazuhide Iwasaki, Masahiro Utoh, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Shinya Hosaka 30th JSSX Annual Meeting 東京 2015/11/12~2015/11/14
- ポスター発表 Comparison of catalytic properties in cytochrome P450 3A4 and 3A5 for various compounds including endogenous steroid hormones by molecular docking simulation Toshiro Niwa, Norie Murayama, Yurie Imagawa, Hiroshi Yamazaki 30th JSSX Annual Meeting 東京 2015/11/12~2015/11/14
- ポスター発表 Time-dependent inhibition of OATP-mediated transport by cyclosporine A is reproduced in cynomolgus monkeys Tsuyoshi Takahashi, Tatsuyuki Ohtsuka, Yasuhiro Uno, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Toshiyuki Kume 30th JSSX Annual Meeting 東京 2015/11/12~2015/11/14
- ポスター発表 Induction of drug metabolizing enzymes by thalidomide dependent on pregnane X receptor (PXR) in human livers as evident using PXR-knockout HepaRG cells Norie Murayama, Kanako Yajima, and Hiroshi Yamazaki 30th JSSX Annual Meeting 東京 2015/11/12~2015/11/14
- ポスター発表 Analysis of cytochrome P450 regulators in cynomolgus macaque Yasuhiro Uno and Hiroshi Yamazaki 30th JSSX Annual Meeting 東京 2015/11/12~2015/11/14
- ポスター発表 Cytochrome P450-dependent warfarin and caffeine metabolism in marmosets, monkeys, and humans Hiroshi Yamazaki, Shotaro Uehara, Yasuhiro Uno, and Erika Sasaki 20th North American ISSX Meeting Orlando, USA 2015/10/18~2015/10/22
- ポスター発表 マーモセット肝のワルファリン代謝の解析 河野未来、上原正太郎、宇野泰広、鵜藤雅裕、佐々木えりか、山崎浩史 第59回日本薬学会関東支部大会 東京 2015/09/12
- ポスター発表 マーモセット肝のカフェイン代謝経路の解析 鈴木貴子、上原正太郎、宇野泰広、鵜藤雅裕、佐々木えりか、山崎浩史 第59回日本薬学会関東支部大会 東京 2015/09/12
- 特別講演・シンポジウム Human Drug Metabolism by Cytochrome P450 Enzymes Hiroshi Yamazaki 2nd Symposium of SPU Innovative Project for Pharmaceutical Analyses of Covalent Modification in Biomolecules 東京 2015/09/01
- 特別講演・シンポジウム カニクイザルにおけるチトクロムP450とグルクロン酸転移酵素の解析 宇野泰広、山崎浩史 第42回日本毒性学会学術集会 金沢 2015/06/29~2015/07/01
- 特別講演・シンポジウム 実験動物およびヒトの薬物酸化酵素活性の比較 山崎浩史、宇野泰広 第42回日本毒性学会学術集会 金沢 2015/06/29~2015/07/01
- 口頭発表 日本人のトリメチルアミン尿症に関する大規模調査 千葉布季子、清水万紀子、牧野美紀、三觜菜々子、友田沙也加、山崎浩史 第69回聖マリアンナ医科大学医学会学術集会 川崎 2015/06/27
- 口頭発表 血液透析患者におけるFMD値とtrimethylamine-N-oxide、心血管病変との検討 西谷光広、上出亜希子、後藤厚子、武田麻有里、寺中久代、森内則子、山森満寿美、保志場紀子、澤﨑真由美、上田律子、大門正一郎、清水万紀子、山崎浩史 第60回日本透析医学会学術集会 横浜 2015/06/26~2016/06/28
- ポスター発表 当クリニックにおける魚臭症候群の一例を経験して 森内則子、西谷光広、澤﨑真由美、保志場紀子、山森満寿美、寺中久代、武田麻有里、後藤厚子、上出亜希子、上田律子、大門正一郎、清水万紀、山崎浩史 第60回日本透析医学会学術集会 横浜 2015/06/26~2016/06/28
- ポスター発表 Comprehensive evaluation for substrate selectivity of cynomolgus monkey cytochrome P450 2C enzymes Shinya Hosaka, Norie Murayama, Masahiro Satsukawa, Shotaro Uehara, Makiko Shimizu, Kazuhide Iwasaki, Shunsuke Iwano, Yasuhiro Uno, Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 東京 2015/06/12~2015/06/15
- ポスター発表 Human cytochromes P450-mediated regioselective hydroxylation of steroid hormones Toshiro Niwa, Norie Murayama, Yurie Imagawa, and Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 東京 2015/06/12~2015/06/15
- ポスター発表 Identification and analysis of CYP2B6 variants in cynomolgus and rhesus macaques Yasuhiro Uno, Shotaro Uehara, and Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 東京 2015/06/12~2015/06/15
- ポスター発表 Molecular cloning, expression and functional characterization of marmoset cytochrome P450 2A6 Shotaro Uehara, Yasuhiro Uno, Norie Murayama, Makiko Shimizu, Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 東京 2015/06/12~2015/06/15
- ポスター発表 Mutations of flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) gene responsible for trimethylaminuria Makiko Shimizu and Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 東京 2015/06/12~2015/06/15
- ポスター発表 The modulation of physiological condition for expression of P450s in differential cryopreserved HepaRG cells Norie Murayama, Kanako Yajima, Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 東京 2015/06/12~2015/06/15
- ポスター発表 In Vivo R/S-Warfarin Metabolism Mediated by Polymorphic P450 2C19 in Cynomolgus Monkeys Masahiro Utoh, Takahiro Yoshikawa, Makiko Shimizu, Kazuhide Iwasaki, Yasuhiro Uno, Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 東京 2015/06/12~2015/06/15
- 特別講演・シンポジウム 多型と麻酔薬の体内動態 山崎浩史 日本麻酔科学会 第62 回学術集会 神戸 2015/05/28~2015/05/30
- ポスター発表 薬物代謝型cytochrome P450及びステロイド代謝酵素によるステロイド代謝 丹羽俊朗、村山典恵、今川友里恵、山崎浩史 日本薬剤学会第30年会 長崎 2015/05/21~2015/05/23
- ポスター発表 Cytochrome P450 (CYP、P450) 3A4及びCYP3A5を含むヒト代謝型P450に対する各種抗真菌薬の相互作用 今川友里恵、村山典恵、山崎浩史、丹羽俊朗 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- ポスター発表 Cytochrome P450 (CYP、P450) 3A4及びCYP3A5を含む各種ヒトP450によるステロイド代謝 丹羽俊朗、村山典恵、今川友里恵、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- ポスター発表 カニクイザル生理学的薬物動態モデルを活用したチトクロム P450 カクテル基質のヒト血中濃度推移予測 志田聡美、村山典恵、清水万紀子、鵜藤雅裕、宇野泰広、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- 口頭発表 サリドマイド 1 次および 2 次酸化的代謝に関与するチトクロム P450 の種差 西山咲弥子、清水万紀子、上原正太郎、宇野泰広、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- ポスター発表 日本人トリメチルアミン尿症の大規模詳細調査 千葉布季子、清水万紀子、徳山瑛美、牧野美紀、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- 口頭発表 サリドマイドによるヒトP450酵素自己誘導機構に及ぼす要因 村山典恵、矢島加奈子、柴田哲男、鵜藤雅裕、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- 口頭発表 カニクイザルシトクロムP450 2C9の 基質特異性に関する検討 保坂信哉、村山典恵、薩川正広、上原正太郎、清水万紀子、岩﨑一秀、岩野俊介、宇野泰広、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- 口頭発表 チトクロム P450 2A6 野生型と全欠損型遺伝子の迅速判定法 清水万紀子、岸本いずみ、小山智生、澤谷怜、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- ポスター発表 抗精神病薬オランザピン投与日本人患者における血漿中薬物濃度の個人差 大久保真穂、成田桃子、村山典恵、森田翔子、中村浩也 、清水万紀子、秋元洋一、後藤晶子、○山崎浩史 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- 口頭発表 抗精神病薬リスペリドン投与日本人患者における血漿中薬物濃度の個人差 大久保真穂、村山典恵、森田翔子、森亜沙美、倉林優貴、秋元洋一、後藤晶子、山崎浩史 日本薬学会第135年会 神戸 2015/03/25~2015/03/28
- 特別講演・シンポジウム マーモセット、カニクイザルおよびヒトの薬物酸化酵素活性の比較 山崎浩史、上原正太郎、宇野泰広 第4回日本マーモセット研究会大会 犬山 2015/01/22~2015/01/23
- 口頭発表 日本人のトリメチルアミン尿症の一因となるフラビン含有モノオキシゲナーゼ3遺伝子変異の解析 伊熊鞠佳、清水万紀子、三觜菜々子、友田沙也加、山崎浩史 第68回聖マリアンナ医科大学医学会学術集会 川崎 2014/12/11~2014/12/12
- 口頭発表 レボカルニチン製剤を使用した透析患者の血中トリメチルアミン濃度 山崎 浩史、清水万紀子、小篠 榮 第35回日本臨床薬理学会年会 松山 2014/12/04~2014/12/06
- 口頭発表 日本人集団から見出されたトリメチルアミン尿症の原因となるフラビン含有酸素添加酵素3遺伝子多型 清水万紀子、折口裕美、伊熊鞠佳、三觜菜々子、友田沙也加、山崎浩史 第35回日本臨床薬理学会年会 松山 2014/12/04~2014/12/06
- ポスター発表 Comparison of pharmacokinetics parameters of cytochrome P450 probe substrates in humans, mice, rats, dogs, monkeys, and microminipigs Chizuka Sakai, Shunsuke Iwano, Yuri Yamazaki, Akihiro Ando, Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yohei Miyamoto 19th North American ISSX/ 29th JSSX Annual Meeting San Francisco 2014/10/19~2015/10/23
- ポスター発表 Warfarin metabolism mediated by polymorphic P450 2C19 in cynomolgus monkeys Hiroshi Yamazaki, Yasuhiro Uno, Mitsunori Shukuya, Takahiro Yoshikawa, Yasuka Matsumoto, Akinori Matsushita, Norie Murayama, Koichiro Fukuzaki, Masahiro Utoh 19th North American ISSX/ 29th JSSX Annual Meeting San Francisco 2014/10/19~2015/10/23
- ポスター発表 Genetic polymorphisms in flavin-containing monooxygenase 3 (FMO3) gene responsible for trimethylaminuria in a Japanese population Makiko Shimizu, Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th North American ISSX/ 29th JSSX Annual Meeting San Francisco 2014/10/19~2015/10/23
- ポスター発表 Roles of auto-induction of human P450 3A enzymes involved in the teratogenicity of thalidomide Norie Murayama, Christophe Chesné, F. Peter Guengerich, Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th North American ISSX/ 29th JSSX Annual Meeting San Francisco 2014/10/19~2015/10/23
- ポスター発表 Oxidative metabolism of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) by liver and brain microsomes from common marmosets Shotaro Uehara, Norie Murayama, Makiko Shimizu, Takashi Inoue, Erika Sasaki, Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th North American ISSX/ 29th JSSX Annual Meeting San Francisco 2014/10/19~2015/10/23
- ポスター発表 Effects of CYP2D6 and CYP3A5 genotypes and co-administrated drugs on the metabolic clearance of antidepressant mirtazapine Maho Okubo, Norie Murayama, Jun Miura, Yasuji Chiba, Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th North American ISSX/ 29th JSSX Annual Meeting San Francisco 2014/10/19~2015/10/23
- 特別講演・シンポジウム Metabolic activation and fate of xenobiotics determined by polymorphic drug-metabolizing enzymes. Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th North American ISSX/ 29th JSSX Annual Meeting San Francisco 2014/10/19~2015/10/23
- 特別講演・シンポジウム Reactive metabolite formation of drugs by human P450s in chimeric mice with humanized liver. Hiroshi Yamazaki 19th North American ISSX/ 29th JSSX Annual Meeting San Francisco 2014/10/19~2015/10/23
- ポスター発表 レボカルニチン投与時の透析患者におけるトリメチルアミンおよび N -酸化体の体内運命の検討 小泉綾乃、若林あかり、清水万紀子、小篠榮、山崎浩史 第58回日本薬学会関東支部大会 東京 2014/10/04
- ポスター発表 抗うつ薬ミルタザピンの代謝消失に関わる薬物代謝酵素 森亜沙美、大久保真穂、成田桃子、森田翔子、村山典恵、三浦淳、千葉泰二、山崎浩史 第58回日本薬学会関東支部大会 東京 2014/10/04
- 口頭発表 サリドマイド代謝的活性化における霊長類チトクロム P450 の役割 西山咲弥子、清水万紀子、上原正太郎、宇野泰広、山崎浩史 第58回日本薬学会関東支部大会 東京 2014/10/04
- ポスター発表 ヒト肝移植マウスを活用した生理学的薬物動態モデルによるフタル酸ビス2エチルヘキシルのヒト体内動態予測 安達昂一郎、宮口貴守、村山典恵、末水洋志、山崎浩史 第58回日本薬学会関東支部大会 東京 2014/10/04
- ポスター発表 薬局の大規模データを用いたジクロフェナク局所皮膚適用製剤の副作用発現とリスク因子に関する検討 大山勝宏、高橋真二、福岡勝志、清水万紀子、山崎浩史 第24回日本医療薬学会年会 名古屋 2014/09/27~2014/09/28
- ポスター発表 Drug interaction of antifungal agents against cytochrome P450s Toshiro Niwa, Yurie Imagawa, Motohiro Yasumura, Norie Murayama, Hiroshi Yamazaki 12th International Symposium on Cytochrome P450 Biodiversity & Biotechnology 京都 2014/09/24~2014/09/28
- 口頭発表 ヒト肝細胞HepaRGにおける環境化学物質の細胞毒性と薬物代謝酵素誘導能について 曽根秀子、村山典恵、王文龍、曾洋、南齋ひろ子、曾勤、山崎浩史 フォーラム2014 衛生薬学・環境トキシコロジー つくば 2014/09/19~2014/09/20
- 口頭発表 カニクイザル硫酸転移酵素の同定・解析 宇野泰広、村山典恵、山崎浩史 第157回日本獣医学会学術集会 札幌 2014/09/09~2014/09/12
- 口頭発表 代謝酵素遺伝子多型および併用薬が抗うつ薬ミルタザピンの代謝消失に及ぼす影響 森田翔子、大久保真穂、森亜沙美、村山典恵、三浦淳、千葉泰二、山崎浩史 第67回聖マリアンナ医科大学医学会学術集会 川崎 2014/07/10~2014/07/11
- 特別講演・シンポジウム 安全性評価を支える薬物動態試験のあり方 山崎浩史 第41回日本毒性学会学術集会 神戸 2014/07/02~2014/07/04
- ポスター発表 カニクイザルの小腸におけるUDP-グルクロン酸転移酵素活性の性差、産地差および部位差 中西康晴、中村稚加、岩崎一秀、鵜藤雅裕、山崎浩史、宇野泰広 第41回日本毒性学会学術集会 神戸 2014/07/02~2014/07/04
- 特別講演・シンポジウム レボカルニチンを使う透析患者さんの体臭を科学する-個の医療- 山崎浩史 医療薬学フォーラム2014/第22回クリニカルファーマシーシンポジウム 東京 2014/06/28~2014/06/29
- ポスター発表 透析患者のレボカルニチン(LC)投与時における内服薬と注射薬の血中トリメチルアミン(TMA)及びN-酸化体(TMAO)値への影響 小篠榮、前田弘美、井戸田昭子、久保和雄、鈴木敦、鈴木利昭、小泉綾乃、若林あかり、清水万紀子、山崎浩史 第59回日本透析医学会学術集会・総会 神戸 2014/06/13~2014/06/15
- ポスター発表 各種cytochrome P450に対する抗真菌薬の相互作用 丹羽俊朗、今川友里恵、山崎浩史 日本薬剤学会第29年会 さいたま 2014/05/20~2014/05/22
- 特別講演 “Human drug metabolism and disposition in humanized-liver mice and non-human primate models” Hiroshi Yamazaki 2018 International Meeting on 22nd MDO and 33rd JSSX Kanazawa, Japan October 1-5, 2018
- 招待講演 “Human plasma and urinary metabolic profiles of trimethylamine and its N-oxide extrapolated using humanized-liver mice and simple physiologically based pharmacokinetic models”, Hiroshi Yamazaki 57th Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology San Antonio, Texas, USA March 11–15, 2018
- 特別講演 “Human drug metabolism in humanized-liver mice and non-human primate models”. Hiroshi Yamazaki 20th International Conference on Cytochrome P450 ~Biochemistry, Biophysics, Biotechnology~ Düsseldorf, Germany August, 27-31, 2017
- ORCid ID (0000-0002-1068-4261)を参照
- http://www.researcherid.com/rid/A-6081-2011
- 薬物代謝学、薬物動態学関連多数
社)医薬品開発支援機構(APDD) 理事(2008~)、総務担当理事(2010-18)、代表理事(2018-)、内閣府食品安全委員会専門委員(2006-16)、消費者庁食品衛生基準審議会 専門委員 (2024-)、International Advisory Committee member (2009-) for International Conferences on Cytochrome P450; International Advisory Committee memebr (2020-) for International Meetings on Microsomes and Drug Oxidations