種別 タイトル 著者 誌名 巻号 ページ 出版年 DOI URL 原著論文 "Ill-conditioned simultaneous linear equations to which the regularized solution almost coincides with the exact one" "Shigeta, T." 昭和薬科大学紀要 52 1-9 2018 原著論文 打ち切り特異値分解による連立1次方程式の非斉次項の復元 繁田岳美 計算数理工学論文集 17 43-46 2017 原著論文 修正Schwarz交代法とその収束性 繁田岳美 計算数理工学論文集 14 7-12 2014 原著論文 "Adaptive multilayer method of fundamental solutions using a weighted greedy QR decomposition for the Laplace equation" "Shigeta, T., Young, D. L., and Liu, C. S." "Journal of Computational Physics" 231(21) 7118-7132 2012 原著論文 "Regularized solutions with a singular point for the inverse biharmonic boundary value problem by the method of fundamental solutions" "Shigeta, T. and Young, D. L." "Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements" "35 (7)" 883-894 2011 原著論文 "Mathematical and numerical studies on meshless methods for exterior unbounded domain problems" "Shigeta, T. and Young, D. L." "Journal of Computational Physics" "230 (17)" 6900-6915 2011 原著論文 "Mathematical aspects and numerical computations of an inverse boundary value identification using the adjoint method" "Shigeta, T." "Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics" "39 (2)" 81-93 2010