種別 タイトル 著者 誌名 巻号 ページ 出版年 DOI URL 原著論文 "Dissociation of the AhR/ARNT complex by TGF-β/Smad signaling represses CYP1A1 gene expression and inhibits benze[a]pyrene-mediated cytotoxicity." 110. "Nakano N, Sakata N, Katsu Y, Nochise D, Sato E, Takahashi Y, Yamaguchi S, Haga Y, Ikeno S, Motizuki M, Sano K, Yamasaki K, Miyazawa K, Itoh S. " "J. Biol Chem." 295 9033–9051 2020 10.1074/jbc.RA120.013596 原著論文 "Hybrid molecule between platanic acid and LCL-161 as a yes-associated protein (YAP) degrader." "Nakano N, Fukuda K, Tashiro E, Ishikawa H, Nagano W, Kawamoto R, Mori A, Watanabe M, Yamazaki R, Nakane T, Naito M, Okamoto I, Itoh S." "J. Biochem." 171 631-640 2022 10.1093/jb/mvac021 原著論文 "Involvement of miR-3180-3p and miR-4632-5p in palmitic acid-induced insulin resistance." "Tashiro E, Nagasawa Y, Itoh S, Imoto M." "Mol. Cell. Endocrinol." 534 111371 2021 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mce.2021.111371 原著論文 "Endothelial-specific depletion of TGF-β signaling affects lymphatic function." "Fukasawa K, Hanada K, Ichikawa K, Hirashima M, Takagi T, Itoh S, Watabe T, Itoh F." " Inflamm. Regeneration" 41 35 2021 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41232-021-00185-4 原著論文 "Narciclasine is a novel YAP inhibitor that disturbs interaction between YAP and TEAD4" "Kawamot R, Nakano N, Ishikawa H, Tashiro E, Nagano W, Sano K, Irie M, Ikuta M, Kishi F, Nakane T, Naito M, Itoh S" "BBA Advances" 1 100008 2021 doi.org/10.1016/j.bbadva.2021.100008 https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2667160321000077 原著論文 "Environmental and soil characteristics in Ephedra habitats of Uzbekistan" "Minami M, Taichi F, Honda Y, Ueno K, Shinozaki J, Itoh S, Takano A, Berdiyar J, Ivanovich Maltsev I, Nakane T" "J Nat Med" 75 246-258 2021 10.1007/s11418-020-01460-3 原著論文 "Physical and chemical characteristics of soils in Ephedra gerardiana and E. pachyclada habitats of Kali Gandaki Valley in Central Nepal." "Minami M, Mori T, Honda Y, Ueno K, Murakami T, Ajioka Y, Atsumi T, Joshi KJ, Yadav PM, Kandel DR, Nakano M, Shinozaki J, Itoh S, Nakane T, Takano A." " J. Nat. Med." 74 825-833 2020 10.1007/s11418-020-01413-w 原著論文 "PDZK1-interacting protein 1 (PDZK1IP1) traps Smad4 protein and suppresses transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) signaling." "Ikeno S, Nakano N, Sano K, Minowa T, Sato W, Akatsu R, Sakata N, Hanagata N, Fujii M, Itoh F, Itoh S." "J. Biol. Chem." 294 4966-4980 2019 10.1074/jbc.RA118.004153 http://www.jbc.org/content/294/13/4966.long 総説 "TMEPAI family: involvement in regulation of multiple signaling pathways" "Itoh S, Ioth F" "Journal of Biochemistry" 164 195-204 2018 "doi: 10.1093/jb/mvy059" "https://doi.org/10.1093/jb/mvy059 " 原著論文 "TGF-β promotes PI3K-AKT signaling and prostate cancer cell migration through the TRAF6-mediated ubiquitylation of p85α" "Hamidi A, Song J, Thakur N, Itoh S, Marcusson A, Bergh A, Heldin C-H, Landström M" "Sci. 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"Furuta C, Miyamoto T, Takagi T, Noguchi Y, Kaneko J, Itoh S, Watanabe T, Itoh F" "Cancer Sci." 106 1524-1533 2015 10.1111/cas.12773 "[Original paper]" "Arf6 regulates tumor angiogenesis and growth through HGF-induced endothelial β1 integrin recycling." " Hongu T, Funakoshi Y, Fukuhara S, Suzuki T, Sakimoto S, Takakura N, Ema M, Takahashi S, Itoh S, Kato M, Hasegawa H, Mochizuki N, Kanaho Y" "Nat. Commun." 6 7925 2015 10.1038/ncomms8925 "[Original paper]" "TGF-β signaling cooperates with AT motif-binding factor-1 for repression of the α-fetoprotein promoter." "Sakata N, Kaneko S, Ikeno S, Miura Y, Nakabayashi H, Dong X-Y, Dong J-T, Tamaoki T, Nakano N, Itoh S" "J. Signal Transduc." 2014 970346 2014 10.1155/2014/970346 "[Original paper]" "C18 ORF1: a novel negative regulator of TGF-β signaling." "Nakano N, Maeyama K, Sakata N, Itoh F, Akatsu R, Nakata M, Katsu Y, Ikeno S, Vo Nguyen TT, Watanabe Y, Kato M, Itoh S" "J. Biol. 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Blood 119 5320-5328 2012 10.1182/blood-2011-12-395772 [Review] "Inhibitory machinery for the TGF-β family signaling pathway." "Itoh S., Itoh F." "Growth Factors" 29 163-173 2011 10.3109/08977194.2011.614236 "[Original paper]" "Interference of E2-2-mediated effect in endothelial cells by FAM96B through its limited expression of E2-2." "Yang W., Itoh F., Ohya H., Kishimoto F., Tanaka A., Nakano N., Itoh S., Kato M. " "Cancer Sci." 102 1808-1814 2011 10.1111/j.1349-7006.2011.02022.x [Review] TGF-βファミリーシグナル抑制機構 伊東 進 医学のあゆみ 234 893-899 2010 [Review] 概論―TGF-βファミリー研究の新しい流れ 宮澤 恵二、伊東 進 実験医学 28 850-855 2010 [Review] 血管新生におけるTGF-βファミリーの役割と疾患 伊東 史子、伊東 進、加藤 光保 実験医学 28 877-882 2010 "[Original paper]" "Requirement of TCF7L2 for TGF-β-dependent transcriptional activation of the TMEPAI gene." "Nakano N, Itoh S, Watanabe Y, Maeyama K, Itoh F, Kato M." "J. Biol. Chem." 285 38023-38033 2010 10.1074/jbc.M110.132209 "[Original paper]" "Flk1-GFP BAC Tg mice: an animal model for the study of blood vessel development. " "Ishitobi H., Matsumoto K., Azami T., Itoh F., Itoh S., Takahashi S., Ema M" "Exp. Animals" 59 615-622 2010 10.1538/expanim.59.615 "[Original paper]" "Inhibition of endothelial cell activation by bHLH protein E2-2 and its impairment of angiogenesis." "Tanaka A., Itoh F., Nishiyama K., Takezawa T., Kurihara H., Itoh S., Kato M." Blood 115 4138-4147 2010 10.1182/blood-2009-05-223057 "[Original paper]" "TMEPAI, a transmembrane TGF-β-inducible protein, sequesters from active participation in TGF-β signaling." "Watanabe Y., Itoh S., Goto T., Ohnishi, E., Inamitsu M., Itoh F., Satoh K., Wiercinska E., Yang W., Shi L., Tanaka A., Nakano N., Mommaas A. M., Shibuya H., ten Dijke P., Kato M." "Mol. 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"Valdimarsdóttir G., Goumans M.-J., Itoh F., Itoh S., Heldin C.-H., ten Dijke P" "BMC Cell. Biol." 0.3027777778 1-11 2006 "[Original paper]" "Synergy and antagonism between Notch and BMP receptor signaling pathways in endothelial cells." "Itoh F.#, Itoh S.#, Goumans M.-J., Valdimarsdóttir G., Iso T., Dotto G. P., Hamamori Y., Kedes L., Kato M., ten Dijke P. (#equally contributed)" "EMBO J." 23 541-551 2004 "[Original paper]" "Activin receptor-like kinase (ALK)1 is an antagonistic mediator of lateral TGFβ/ALK5 signaling." "Goumans M.-J., Valdimarsdóttir G., Itoh S., Lebrin F., Larsson J., Mummery C., Karlsson S., ten Dijke P." "Mol. Cell" 12 817-828 2003 "[Original paper]" "Synthetic triterpenoids enhance TGF-β/Smad signaling." "Suh N., Roberts A. B., Birkey Reffey S., Miyazono K., Itoh S., ten Dijke P., Heiss E. H., Place A. E., Risingsong R., Wiliams C. R., Honda T., Gribble G. W., Sporn M. B." "Cancer Res." 63 1371-1376 2003 "[Original paper]" "SARA and Hgs attenuate susceptibility to TGF-β1-mediated T cell suppression." "Kunzmann S., Wohlfahrt J. G., Itoh S., Asao H., Komada M., Akdis C. A., Blaser K., Schmidt-Weber C. B." "FASEB J." 17 194-202 2003 "[Original paper]" "Elucidation of Smad requirement in transforming growth factor-β type I receptor-induced responses." "Itoh S., Thorikay M., Kowanetz M., Moustakas A., Itoh F., Heldin C.-H., ten Dijke P." "J. Biol. Chem." 278 3751-3761 2003 [Review] "Regulation of cell proliferation by Smad proteins." "ten Dijke P., Goumans M.-J., Itoh F., Itoh S." "J. Cell. Physiol." 191 1-16 2002 "[Original paper]" "Stimulation of Id1 expression by bone morphogenetic protein is sufficient and necessary for bone morphogenetic protein-induced activation of endothelial cells." "Valdimarsdóttir G., Goumans M.-J., Rosendahl A., Brugman M., Itoh S., Lebrin F., Sideras P., ten Dijke P." Circulation 106 2263-2270 2002 "[Original paper]" "The FYVE domain in Smad anchor for receptor activation (SARA) is sufficient for localization of SARA in early endosomes and regulates TGF-β/Smad signaling." "Itoh F., Divecha N., Brocks L., Oomen L., Janssen H., Calafat J., Itoh S., ten Dijke P." "Gene Cells" 7 321-331 2002 "[Original paper]" "Balancing the activation state of the endothelium via two distinct TGFβ type I receptors." "Goumans M.-J., Valdimarsdóttir G., Itoh S., Rosendahl A., Sideras P., ten Dijke P." "EMBO J" 21 1743-1753 2002 "[Original paper]" "Promoting bone morphogenetic protein signaling through negative regulation of inhibitory Smads." "Itoh F., Asao H., Sugamura K., Heldin C.-H., ten Dijke P., Itoh S." "EMBO J" 20 4132-4142 2001 [Review] "ラボレポート; アットホームなラボ:Dr. Peter ten-Dijke研究室" 伊東 進 実験医学 18 1545-1546 2000 [Review] "Signaling of transforming growth factor-β family members through Smad proteins." "Itoh S., Itoh F., Goumans M.-J., ten Dijke P." "Eur. J. 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Acta" 1495 250-262 2000 "[Original paper]" "Hedgehog creates a gradient of dpp activity in Drosophila wing imaginal discs." "Tanimoto H., Itoh S., ten Dijke P., Tabata T." "Mol. Cell" 5 59-71 2000 "[Original paper]" "Smad and AML proteins synergistically confer transforming growth factor β1 responsiveness to human germ-line IgA genes." "Pardali E.#, Xie X.-Q.#, Tsapogas P., Itoh S., Arvanitidis K., Heldin C.-H., ten Dijke P., Grundström T., Sideras P. (#equally contributed)" "J. Biol. Chem." 275 3552-3560 2000 "[Original paper]" "Xenopus Smad4β is the Co-Smad component of developmentally-regulated transcription factor complexes responsible forinduction of early mesodermal genes." "Howell M., Itoh F., Pierreux C. E., Valgeirsdóttir S., Itoh S., ten Dijke P., Hill C. S." "Dev. Biol." 214 354-369 1999 "[Original paper]" "The L45 loop in type I receptors for TGF-β family members is a critical determinant in specifying Smad isoform activation." "Persson U.#, Izumi H.#, Souchelnytskyi S., Itoh S., Grimsby S., Engström U., Heldin C.-H., Funa K., ten Dijke P. (#equally contributed)" "FEBS Lett." 434 83-87 1998 "[Original paper]" "Transforming growth factor-β1 induces nuclear export of inhibitory Smad7." "Itoh S.#, Landström M.#, Hermansson A., Itoh F., Heldin C.-H., Heldin N.-E., ten Dijke P. (#equally contributed)" "J. Biol. Chem." 273 29195-29201 1998 "[Original paper]" "Induction of Smad6 and Smad7 mRNA by TGF-β family members and negative feedback function for Smad7 in TGF-β signaling." "Afrakhte M., Morén A., Jossan S., Itoh S., Sampath K., Westermark B., Heldin C.-H., Heldin N.-E., ten Dijke P." "Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun." 249 505-511 1998 "[Original paper]" "Intracellular signaling of osteogenic protein-1 through Smad5 activation." "Tamaki K., Souchelnyskyi S., Itoh S., Nakao A., Sampath K., Heldin C.-H., ten Dijke P." "J. Cell. 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"EMBO J." 17 3091-3100 1998 "[Original paper]" "Molecular cloning and regulation of a novel guinea pig P450 (CYP3A20) which differs from guinea pig CYP3A14 in only two amino acid residues." "Mori T., Itoh S., Kamataki T." "Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int." 44 1245-1253 1998 "[Original paper]" "Expression and characterization of dog CYP2D15 using baculovirus expression system." "Tasaki T., Nakamura A., Itoh S., Ohashi K., Yamamoto Y., Masuda M., Iwata H., Kazusaka A., Kamataki T., Fujita S." "J. Biochem." 123 62-168 1998 [Review] 薬物の光学異性体の体内における相互変換のメカニズムに関する研究 鎌滝 哲也、横井 毅、伊東 進、佐久間 勉 臨床薬理の進歩’97 11-17 1997 "[Original paper]" "Regulation of CYP1A and CYP3A mRNAs by ascorbic acid in guinea pigs." "Mori T., Itoh S., Ohgiya S., Ishizaki K., Kamataki T." "Arch. Biochem. Biophys." 348 268-277 1997 "[Original paper]" "Upstream stimulatory factor 1 (USF1) suppresses induction of CYP1A1 mRNA by 3-methylcholanthrene (MC) in HepG2 cells." "Takahashi Y., Nakayama K., Itoh S., Kamataki T." "Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun." 240 293-297 1997 "[Original paper]" "Inhibition of the transcription of CYP1A1 gene by the upstream stimulatory factor 1 in rabbits. Competitive binding of USF1 with AhR/Arnt complex." "Takahashi Y., Nakayama K., Itoh S., Fujii-Kuriyama Y., Kamataki T." "J. Biol. Chem." 272 30025-30031 1997 "[Original paper]" "Identification of Smad7, a TGF-β-inducible antagonist of TGF-β signaling." "Nakao A., Afrakhte M., Morén A., Nakayama T., Christian J. L., Heuchel R., Itoh S., Heldin N.-E., Heldin C.-H., ten Dijke P." Nature 389 631-635 1997 "[Original paper]" "Determination of FAD-binding domain in flavin-containing monooxygenase1 (FMO1)." "Kubo A., Itoh S., Itoh K., Kamataki T." "Arch. Biochem. Biophys." 345 271-277 1997 "[Original paper]" "Low activity of aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) in liver of Suncus murinus: possible explanation for high sensitivity to alcohol." "Itoh S., Matsuyama T., Kamataki T." "J. Toxicol. Sci." 22 111-115 1997 "[Original paper]" "Promoter region of the human eosinophil cationic protein gene." "Itoh S.#, Yamada E.#, Yoshimura T., Iemura O., Tsujikawa K., Mimura T., Kohama Y. (#equally contributed)" Immunogenetics 46 156-158 1997 "[Original paper]" "Mouse cytochrome P450 (cyp3a11): predominant expression in liver and capacity to activate aflatoxin B1." "Yanagimoto T., Itoh S., Sawada M., Kamataki T." "Arch. Biochem. Biophys." 340 215-218 1997 "[Original paper]" "Molecular cloning and characterization of a novel putative STE-like Kinase in guinea pigs." "Itoh S., Kameda Y., Yamada E., Tsujikawa K., Mimura T., Kohama Y." "Arch. Biochem. Biophys." 340 201-207 1997 "[Original paper]" "Opposite effects of isoniazid and fasting on the expression of CYP2E1 protein and mRNA in house musk shrew (Suncus murinus)." "Nakura H., Itoh S., Kusano H., Ishizone H., Kamataki T." "Biochem. Mol. Biol. Int." 41 293-301 1997 "[Original paper]" "Molecular cloning of mouse liver flavin containing monooxygenase (FMO1) cDNA and characterization of the expression product: metabolism of the neurotoxin, 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoqinoline (TIQ)." "Itoh K., Nakamura K., Kimura T., Itoh S., Kamataki T." "J. Toxicol. Sci." 22 47-58 1997 "[Original paper]" "Isolation of a promoter region in mouse Cytochrome P450 3A (Cyp3A16) gene and its transcriptional control." "Itoh S., Abe Y., Kubo A., Okuda M., Shimoji M., Nakayama K., Kamataki T." "Biochim. Biophys. Acta" 1350 155-158 1997 "[Original paper]" "Simultaneous expression of ferredoxin, ferredoxin reductase and P450 in COS7 cells." "Itoh S.#, Iemura O.#, Yoshimura T., Tsujikawa K., Yamada E., Nonaka Y., Okamoto M., Mimura T., Kohama Y. (#equally contributed)" "Biochim. Biophys. Acta" 1318 284-290 1997 "[Original paper]" "Gene structure of mouse Cyp3a11: evidence for an enhancer element within its 5' flanking sequences." "Toide K., Itoh S., Nagasaka Y., Yanagimoto T., Kamataki T." "Arch. Biochem. Biophys." 338 43-49 1997 [Review] 好酸球分化・成熟に関連したシグナル分子 伊東 進、小濱 靖弘、三村 務 "Molecular Medicine" 33 594-601 1996 [Review] カルシウムホメオスタシス:活性型ビタミンD3生合成・代謝酵素 伊東 進、小濱 靖弘、三村 務 "Molecular Medicine" 33 213-214 1996 "[Original paper]" "Expression of aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) and aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (Arnt) in adult rabbits known to be non-responsive to cytochrome P-450 1A1 (CYP1A1) inducers." "Takahashi Y., Nakayaka K., Shimojima T., Itoh S., Kamataki T." "Eur. J. Biochem." 242 512-518 1996 "[Original paper]" "Application of primary hepatocytes from p53-knockout mice for studies of expression of Cyp3a." "Shimoji M., Itoh S., Toide K., Nakayama K., Aizawa S., Kamataki T." "J. Biochem." 120 42-48 1996 "[Original paper]" "Increase of cytochrome b mRNA by bis(2-hydroxyethyl) trisulfide in J774A.1 cells." "Kohama Y., Iida K., Itoh S., Tsujikawa K., Mimura T." "Biol. Pharm. 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